This book is the second volume of a two-volume edition based on the International Society for Information Studies Summit Vienna 2015 on "The Information Society at the Crossroads. Response and Responsibility of the Sciences of Information" (see
The book gives an up-to-date multiaspect exposition of contemporary studies in the field of information and related areas. It presents most recent achievements, ideas and opinions of leading researchers in this domain reflecting their quest for advancing information science and technology. With the goal of building a better society, in which social and technological innovations help make information key to the flourishing of humanity, we dispense with the bleak view of the dark side of information society.
It is aimed at readers that conduct research into any aspect of information, information society and information technology, who develop or implement social or technological applications. It is also for those who have an interest in participating in setting the goals for the sciences of information and the social applications of technological achievements and the scientific results.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction: Omnipresence of Information as the Incentive for Transdisciplinarity (186 KB)
- Introduction: Omnipresence of Information as the Incentive for Transdisciplinarity (Mark Burgin and Wolfgang Hofkirchner)
- Theory of Information:
- How to Produce a Transdisciplinary Information Concept for a Universal Theory of Information (Søren Brier)
- Inaccessible Information and the Mathematical Theory of Oracles (Mark Burgin)
- Emergence of Symbolic Information by the Ritualisation Transition (Rainer Feistel)
- The Law of "Information Conversion and Intelligence Creation" (Yixin Zhong)
- Topoi of Systems: On the Onto-Epistemic Foundations of Matter and Information (Rainer E Zimmermann)
- Philosophy of Information:
- Transdisciplinarity Seen Through Information, Communication, Computation, (Inter-)Action and Cognition (Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Daniel Kade, Markus Wallmyr, Tobias Holstein and Alexander Almér)
- A Unified Science-Philosophy of Information in the Quest for Transdisciplinarity (Wu Kun and Joseph E Brenner)
- Natural Information and Spiritual Information as an Outcome of the Transdisciplinary Methodology (Basarab Nicolescu)
- A New Perspective on the Existence and Non-existence (Tianqi Wu)
- Applications of Information:
- Information and the Evolution of Human Communication (Manuel Bohn)
- Information Processing and Fechner's Problem as a Choice of Arithmetic (Marek Czachor)
- A Few Questions Related to Information and Symmetries in Physics (György Darvas)
- The "Sociotype" Approach to Social Structures and Individual Communication: An Informational Exploration of Human Sociality (R del Moral, J Navarro and P C Marijuán)
- Information Outliers and Their Detection (A Duraj and P S Szczepaniak)
- A Physicist's Perspective on How One Converts Observation into Information (Robert W Johnson)
- The Concept of Systemic-Resonance Bioinformatics: Resonances and the Quest for Transdisciplinarity (Sergey V Petoukhov and Elena S Petukhova)
- Information Society and Apartheid in the Context of Evolutionary Economics: Perspectives from Information Theory (Rodrick Wallace and Mindy Thompson Fullilove)
- Artificial and Natural Genetic Information Processing (Guenther Witzany)
Readership: Researchers in aspects of information.