A key tool in creating a destination experience is the experience economy. This is even more true for cultural tourism experiences since culture's intrinsic values are inherently linked to experiences.
The book Creating and Managing Experiences in Cultural Tourism aims to provide theoretical and practical background on the experience economy applied in sustainable cultural tourism. This entails a wide range of subjects addressing cultural heritage, creative industries and contemporary culture. Theoretical approaches to experience creation are presented to offer the "rules" of designing the cultural tourism experiences. With inspirational and innovative examples, it provides an insight into the field of cultural tourism from prominent editors, authors and contributors in their respective fields.
- Theoretical Approaches to Experience Creation:
- Creating Experiences in Cultural Tourism: From Sightseeing to Engaged Emotional Action (Daniela Angelina Jelinčić)
- Creating Tourism Experiences — Theoretical Foundations (Andrzej Stasiak)
- Experience Co-Creation in the Touristscape: The Path toward a Systematic Theoretical Construct (Ingeborg Matečić and Dimitri Ioannides)
- Designing Cultural Tourism Experiences:
- A Practical Framework for Creating Cultural Tourism Experiences (Teun den Dekker)
- New Tools for Museums and Sites to Gain the Interest of the Younger Generation in Tourism (Lia Bassa)
- Education Model for Experience Creation in Tourism (Tihomir Jukić, Božena Krce Miočić and Feđa Vukić)
- Planning Cultural Tourism Experiences:
- Toward a Framework of Experience Quality Assessment in Cultural Tourism (Dorthe Eide and Lena Mossberg)
- Designing Cultural Tourism Experiences as a Self-reinforcing System (Anna Trono)
- Historic Hotels: Between Authenticity, Creativity, Innovation and Participation (Aleš Gačnik)
- Cultural Routes — From Cultural to Creative Tourism (Manuela Graf)
- The Role of Interpretation in Experience Creation and Management:
- The Power of Stories in Tourism (Nancy Arsenault)
- The S Plan (Diane Dodd)
- Emotional Marketing/Branding of Cultural Tourism:
- Experience Tourism in Texan Destinations: The Marketing Side (Eli Avraham)
- Emotional Responses to Tourism Advertisement in Different Cultures (Arghavan Hadinejad, Noel Scott and Brent D Moyle)
- Between Cultural Sustainability and Cultural Experiences:
- Pursued Cultural Sustainability and Sought Cultural Experiences: Host–Guest Perspectives (Yoel Mansfeld)
- Gastronomy as a Means to Sustainable Tourism Development in Peripheral Destinations: Triple Helix as a Driver (Jon Sundbo and Donna Sundbo)
- Creative Use of Industrial Heritage as a Possible Development Tool in Less Competitive Destinations (Alžbeta Királ'ová)
- Practical Approaches to Experience Creation: Specific Case Studies:
- Creative Tourism Development in Small Cities and Rural Areas in Portugal: Insights from Start-Up Activities (Nancy Duxbury, Silvia Silva and Tiago Vinagre de Castro)
- Architectural Landscape as a Co-creative Experience (Dolors Vidal-Casellas, Silvia Aulet and Neus Crous-Costa)
- From the Tourist Experience Design to Holistic Destination Management (Caroline Couret)
- Concluding Thoughts (Yoel Mansfeld and Daniela Angelina Jelinčić)
Readership: This book is intended for wide readership at the academic level. Practitioners are also welcome to use it.
Daniela Angelina Jelinčić is a research adviser at the Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) in Zagreb. She holds a PhD in ethnology from the University of Zagreb and her specific interests are in cultural tourism, cultural/creative industries, cultural policy, creativity, experience economy and social innovations. She also teaches cultural tourism, economy of culture, cultural heritage management and social innovations at the University of Dubrovnik, University of Zagreb, Edward Bernays First College of Communication Management in Zagreb, and at the UNESCO Chair for Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, Institute for Social and European Studies (ISES) in Köszeg, Hungary. She is the author of several scientific books Innovations in Culture and Development: The Culturinno Effect in Public Policy; ABC of Cultural Tourism; Culture in a Shop Window; Culture, Tourism, Interculturalism, a number of scientific articles and book chapters, national/international studies as well as of several national/local strategic documents, and is the Council of Europe expert for cultural tourism.
Yoel Mansfeld is a Professor in Tourism Planning and Development at the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Haifa, Israel. He holds a BA and MA (with distinction) from the University of Haifa, Israel and a PhD from the London School of Economics (LSE), University of London, UK.
His main areas of academic interest include socio-cultural impacts of tourism development; tourism safety and security, tourism and consumer behaviour; managing cultural and heritage tourism; community-based tourism; religious tourism; tourism planning and development; and sustainable tourism. Between 2005–2008 he acted as Chair of the Department and since 2001 he has been the Program Leader of the Department's MA program on Tourism Planning and Development. Yoel Mansfeld is also the founder and Head of the University of Haifa's Centre for Tourism, Pilgrimage & Recreation Research (CTPRR).
His international academic activities so far inlcude participation in more than seventy international conferences worldwide, a one-year position as a Visiting Professor in the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, University of Central Florida - USA, a one-year position as a Visiting Academic Researcher at the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Waikato, New Zealand and teaching and research Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Bologna (Rimini Campus). In his capacity as the Head of CTPRR he has been an active member of the UNITWIN - UNESCO Network on Tourism, Culture and Development led by IREST - the Sorbonne - Paris 1. He is also one of the founding members of the advisory research network on Cultural Routes established by the Council of Europe's European Institute for Cultural Routes.
Yoel Mansfeld has published extensively in tourism, planning and geography journals and is the Series Editor of Managing Cultural Tourism: A Sustainability Approach (World Scientific); co-editor of Tourism, Crime & International Security Issues (JW & Sons); Consumer Behavior in Travel & Tourism (republished also in India and in China) (Haworth Hospitality Press); Tourism, Safety & Security: from Theory to Practice (Elsevier) and a co-author of Christian Tourism to the Holy Land: Pilgrimage during Security Crisis (Ashgate). He also serves on the editorial boards of several leading tourism academic journals.