This book reviews comprehensively the technological, scientific, artistic and medical applications of liquid crystals. It starts with the basics of liquid crystals and covers electro-optical, thermo-optical, colour, polymeric, lyotropic, and scientific applications of liquid crystalline materials. It discusses the fabrication and operational principles of a full range of liquid crystal displays including dynamic scattering, twisted nematic, supertwisted nematic, dichroic, smectic A, ferroelectric, polymer dispersed, light valve, active matrix, etc., in detail. It also covers the emerging applications of liquid crystals such as optical computing, nonlinear optics, decorative and visual arts. Classification, theory, chemical structure, physical properties and surface alignment of liquid crystals have detailed chapters to facilitate the basic understanding of the science behind LCDs and other uses of liquid crystals. The chapters, liquid crystal polymers and lyotropic liquid crystals, give deep insight into these areas. The potential uses and applications are also described in detail.
- Displays Parameters and Requirements (B Bahadur)
- Liquid Crystals in Decorative and Visual Arts (D Makow)
- Lyotropic Mesophases in Nonliving Systems (S Friberg)
- Lyotropic Mesopheses in Biological Systems (D Chapman)
- Spectroscopic Applications of Liquid Crystals (C L Khetrapal, R G Weiss & A C Kunwar)
- Liquid Crystals in Chromatography (Z Witkiewicz)
- Thermotropic Liquid Crystals as Chemical Reaction Media (W Leigh)
Readership: Applied scientists, chemists, physicists, liquid crystal researchers and display systems engineers.
“… consists of three volumes with a total of twenty seven chapters which present in depth discussions of topics related to liquid crystals. The chapters are written by authorities in each topic. This set of book is an impressive undertaking and Bahadur has done an excellent job of selecting topics of interest in the field of liquid crystals.
In summary, Bahadur has taken on a large task and made a real accomplishment. As manufacturer of liquid crystal displays, we find the volumes to be good references and while the volumes are not textbooks, some chapters should be required reading for engineers in the liquid crystal display business. These volumes will be valuable references for years to come. In preface to volume 3, Bahadur wondered if the sacrifices and burning of midnight oil was worth it. Only he can answer that question for himself, but he certainly has performed a valuable service to the liquid crystal field, and I, for one, am grateful that he did.”
Journal of the Society for Information Display
“Professor B Bahadur, the editor and the author of three chapters, has done a marvelous job assimilating contributions from different fields of liquid crystal applications. Finally, a book has been published that gives the reader a comprehensive review of technological applications of liquid crystals and an overview of how they are related to medicine, biology, and art … the book can be recommended not only to specialists in the field of liquid crystalline applications but also to anyone interested in liquid crystals research.”
Condensed Matter News
“The book provides a good, practical overview of the many liquid crystal devices that were discovered until about 1989. Their operating principles and their pros and cons are well presented … Moreover, the book provides a very useful insight into some of the manufacturing techniques required to realize LCDs. These aspects are not only of interest to device engineers but also to scientists who are engaged in electro-optical research.”
Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals
“This excellent book provides a timely and up-to-date review of materials, devices and displays based on liquid crystals … The editor is to be congratulated on obtaining contributions from, without exception, internationally recognized experts on the topics discussed … It must be concluded that this is a first-class publication and, when it is combined with Volume 2 and the promised Volume 3, it will become a well used reference book for those workers who are involved in the many aspects of the rapidly developing area of liquid-crystal technology.”
“Liquid Crystals consists of 20 chapters in two volumes (with a third volume planned). The volumes cover topics ranging from the types and classifications of liquid crystals to the nonlinear response of liquid crystals and liquid crystals in the decorative and visual arts. Appropriately, over half the chapters are related to LCDs. For the chapters, Bahadur selected authors who are prominent in the field … each chapter includes an extensive list of references and each volume has a good index. The technical chapters on cell fabrication and display parameters and requirements are a welcome addition to the chapters on liquid-crystal physics and chemistry. These volumes provide extensive and quickly accessed information and references for liquid-crystal applications in displays, art biology, and chromatography. I have found them useful in my research and can recommend them to researchers already familiar with the field … the breadth and depth of coverage in these two volumes will make them useful references for years to come. They are worth the price.”
Information Display
“Volume 2 of the book by Birendra Bahadur fills — like already vol. 1 — a gap in liquid crystal literature in that it reviews the multitude and rapidly expanding applications of liquid crystals in a concise and interesting way. The list of references attached to each of the very diverse chapters makes it a useful tool for experts in individual LC-fields as well as for students and educated laymen who attempt to get an overview over the immensely broad field of liquid crystals and their applications. To find in one and the same volume LC-display-related chapters as well as chapters on LC-art and biological LC-systems is fascinating.”
Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals
“The authors for the subjects covered are of the best in their field. They were selected from many areas and allow the fields covered in the books to be seen from several viewpoints … the different viewpoints make the books more well rounded and easier for a novice reader to appreciate … Bahadur has done an excellent job in bringing together some of the best people working in the area of applications of LCs. The quality of the individual contributions is very high and in many cases I think they may be considered definitive reviews of the application areas they consider.”
Optical Engineering
“The contents is sound and the volume completes an ambitious and useful survey of liquid crystals.”
Physics World
“The third volume of the three volume series ‘Applications and Uses of Liquid Crystals’ by Birendra Bahadur complements volume 1 and 2 by reviewing additional applications not covered there. Each of the chapters is written in an interesting manner with up-to-date references until about 1991. This renders the series suitable as a work of reference for those working in the field and as a text book for students interested in applications.”
Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals
“Each chapter of this book provides a review of a specific field, therefore it will be of use and interest to both established liquid crystal engineers and scientists and those just entering this very broad area of science and technology … this book, together with the two previous volumes, provides a timely and useful contribution to the literature on liquid crystals, which will be used by both scientists and engineers.”