This unique edited compendium consists of peer-reviewed articles focusing on 2D materials-based nanoelectronics to nanophotonic devices for biosensors and bio-nano-systems.
Wide-ranging topics span from novel systems for implementing data with security tokens, single chemical sensor for multi-analyte mixture detection, additively manufactured RF devices for communication, packaging, remote sensing, to energy harvesting applications.
Quantum dot-based devices featuring optical modulators and mid-infrared photodetectors in the form of Ferroelectric and quantum dot non-volatile memories, 3D-confined quantum dot channel (QDC) and spatial wavefunction switched (SWS) FETs for high-speed multi-bit logic and novel system applications are also included.
Contributed by eminent researchers, recent coverage of materials science for high-speed electronics, nanoelectronics based on ferroelectric and van der Waals materials, material synthesis, modeling of dislocations behavior in various heterostructures, Ultrahigh-Q on-chip SiGe microresonators for quantum transduction in new trend in computing are also prominently discussed.
Sample Chapter(s)
Two-Photon Absorption Effect on Pseudorandom Bit Sequence for High-Speed Operation
- Preface
- Two-Photon Absorption Effect on Pseudorandom Bit Sequence for High-Speed Operation (S Thapa, S Fan and N K Dutta)
- Mode-Locked Fiber Ring Laser using Graphene Nanoparticles as Saturable Absorbers (S Thapa, A Rahman and N K Dutta)
- Reverse Engineering Protection Using Obfuscation Through Electromagnetic Interference (W Stark, S Chen and L Wang)
- Medical Diagnosis Using Volatile Organic Compounds Sensors (J-Y Sun, U Salahuddin, C Zhu and P-X Gao)
- Critical Layer Thickness for Epitaxial FAPbBrxI3-x on KCl (001) (E Parent, J Raphael, T Kujofsa and J E Ayers)
- Lattice Relaxation of Epitaxial FAPbI3 on MAPbClxBr3-x (001) (E Parent, J Raphael, T Kujofsa and J E Ayers)
- Quantum Dot Gate (QDG) FETs to Fabricate n-MOS Inverters Exhibiting 3-State Logic (R Mays, B Khan, R Gudlavalleti, A Almalki, A Salas, J Maramo, E Perez, Z Adamson, K Liu, M Owczarczyk, A Abdelgulil and F Jain)
- Propagation Delay Evaluation for Spatial Wavefunction Switched (SWS) FET-Based Inverter (A Almalki, B Saman, J Chandy, E Heller and F C Jain)
- Power Dissipation and Cell Area: Quaternary Logic CMOS Inverter vs Four-State SWS-FET Inverter (A Husawi, B Saman, A Almalki, R Gudlavalleti and F C Jain)
- Fabrication and Characterization of nMOS Inverters Utilizing Quantum Dot Gate Field Effect Transistor (QDGFET) for SRAM Device (B Khan, R Mays, R Gudlavalleti and F Jain)
- QDG-SRAM Simulation Using Physics-Based Models of QDG-FET and QDG-Inverter (R Mays, B Khan, R Gudlavalleti, F Papadimitrakopoulos, E Heller and F Jain)
- Quantum Dot Channel FETs Harnessing Mini-Energy Band Transitions in GeOx-Ge and Si QDSL for Multi-Bit Computing (F Jain, R Gudlavalleti, R Mays, B Saman, P-Y Chan, J Chandy, M Lingalugari and E Heller)
- Conditions for the Boundness of the Solution for Second Order Linear Delay Differential Equations (A Fish)
- Integrated Circuit Authentication Based on Resistor and Capacitor Variations of a Low Pass Filter (LoPUF) (S E Quadir and J A Chandy)
- Mid to Long Wave Infrared Photodetectors Using Intra-Mini-Energy Band Transitions in GeOx Cladded Ge Quantum Dot Superlattice (QDSL) FETs (F Jain, R Mays, R Gudlavalleti, J Chandy and E Heller)
- Implementing a Data Communication Security Tokens Management System Using COSMOS, an Energy Efficient Proof-of-Stake Blockchain Framework (M Chang, S Das, D Montrone and T Chakraborty)
- Novel Additive Manufacturing-Enabled RF Devices for 5G/mmWave, IoT, Smart Skins, and Wireless Sensing Applications (G Soto-Valle, K Hu, M Holda, Y Cui and M Tentzeris)
- A Multi-Bit Non-Volatile Compute-in-Memory Architecture with Quantum-Dot Transistor Based Unit (Y Zhao, F Qian, F Jain and L Wang)
- Nanoelectronics Based on Ferroelectric and van der Waals Materials — In Memory of Prof T P Ma (Wenjuan Zhu)
- Integrating QD-NVRAMs and QDC-SWS FET-Based Logic for Multi-Bit Computing (F Jain, R Gudlavalleti, R Mays, B Saman, J Chandy and E Heller)
- Author Index
Readership: Researchers, professionals, academics, and graduate students in electrical & electronics engineering, circuits & systems, microelectronics and nanoelectronics.
Faquir C Jain received the BS and MS degrees from Agra University, Agra, India, in 1962 and 1963, respectively, the BSEE degree from Roorkee University, Roorkee, India, in 1965, the MSEE degree from the IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, India, in 1968, and the PhD degree from the University of Connecticut, Tolland, CT, USA, in 1973. He is currently a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering with the University of Connecticut. His current research interests include the design and fabrication of microelectronic and optoelectronic devices and integrated circuits, multiple quantum well light valves and modulators and spatial light modulators, acousto-optic and electro-optic modulator structures, blue-green semiconductor lasers, opto-electronically triggered lasers, modeling of MOS gate SiGe MOSFETS, and transport in quantum wires and dots.