This volume contains original, refereed contributions by researchers from national metrology institutes, universities and laboratories across the world involved in metrology and testing. The volume has been produced by the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) Technical Committee 21, Mathematical Tools for Measurements, in association with IMEKO Technical Committee 6, Digitalisation, and the European Network for Mathematics and Statistics for Metrology, following presentations made at the Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology online conference, hosted by the Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, in September 2023. The volume covers the application of novel mathematical and statistical modelling techniques and data analysis and machine learning approaches to metrology and measurement science, uncertainty quantification, and knowledge representation and reasoning to enable the digitalization of metrological services.
This volume is of interest to all researchers, data scientists, engineers and practitioners who need to characterize the capabilities of measurement systems, evaluate measurement data, quantify uncertainties and make inferences and decisions based on models and data. It will also be of interest to those working in the quality infrastructure concerned with the reliability, transparency, trustworthiness and reproducibility of data, data analytics, machine learning and AI, in engineering, physical, environmental and the life sciences.
Sample Chapter(s)
From uncertain time-series data can one infer an extrapolated deterministic trend? Taking uncertainty correctly into account in (measurement) science
- Foreword
- Invited Paper:
- From Uncertain Time-Series Data Can One Infer an Extrapolated Deterministic Trend? Taking Uncertainty Correctly into Account in (Measurement) Science (F Pavese)
- Review Papers:
- Evaluation of Repeatability Measurement Procedures in Gravimetric Volume Calibrations of Glassware (E Batista, J Alves e Sousa, A Malendo, D Torchio, O Schnelle-Werner, U Turnšek and G Harris)
- Signal Interval to Classification: Supervised Machine Learning for ECG (A Bošnjaković and P J Aston)
- On How to Measure New Non-Physical Quantities (R Emardson)
- Analysis of Data from Experiments to Estimate Time to Failure (A B Forbes)
- A Competency Question Driven Approach to Conceptual Data Model Design for Digital Verification and Validation (J Gregorio, M Alsuleman, M Chrubasik, P Duncan and G Bisland)
- Digitalisation of Units and Dimensions (B D Hall)
- Uncertainty Quantification for Results of Al-Based Data Processing: Towards More Feasible Algorithms (C Q Lauter, M Ceberio, V Kreinovich and O M Kosheleva)
- Big Data and Dataism: Some Metrological Reflections (F Pavese)
- Conceptual Model for Measurement Service Provision in Support of a Digital Quality Management System (R M White)
- Uncertainy Analysis for the Estimation of the Mean from Correlated Data: Small and Large Samples (R Willink)
- Papers:
- Locally Best Linear Unbiased Estimation of Regression Curves Specified by Nonlinear Constraints on the Model Parameters (A Charvátová Campbell, R Šlesinger, P Klapetek, M Chvosteková, L Hajzoková, V Witkovský and G Wimmer)
- New Prioritization of QFDs' Engineering characteristics Through the Law of Comparative Judgment (F Franceschini and D A Maisano)
- Using Minimum Covariance Determinant for Simultaneous Noise Removal and Robust Planar Surface Fitting in Coordinate Metrology (E Ghanbary Kalajahi, M Mahboubkhah and A Barari)
- Machine Learning Data Augmentation by Electrical Contact Resistance Technique for Edge Effect Correction in Nanoindentation (J Kholkhujaev, G Maculotti, G Genta and M Galetto)
- How to Efficiently Propagate P-Box Uncertainty (O M Kosheleva and V Kreinovich)
- Relative Sensitivities and Correlation of Factors Introducing Uncertainty in Radiotherapy Dosimetry Audits (P Krishnadas, S A Thomas, J Goldring, N A S Smith and M Hussein)
- GUM-Compliant Uncertainty Propagation for Deep Neural Networks (B Ludwig, B Jung and S Eichstädt)
- A SQC Proposal for Monitoring the Shipyard Panel Line (D A Maisano, M Trombini and A Pagani)
- LNE Uncertainty: A User-Friendly Software for a Validated Implementation of the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (S Marmin, L Coquelin and N Fischer)
- Check Standard Uncertainty Impact on Capability Indices of Higher Generation in Measurement Process (J Palenčár, R Palenčár and M Dovica)
- Interpolation of the Correction Values of a Thermometer Calibration Certificate for a Real Number of Calibration Points (C A Sánchez)
- Uncertainty Quantification and Global Sensitivity Analysis of a Pollutant Dispersion Problem (J A Mackenzie, A Ramage, T Shahid and A B Forbes)
- Proof of Concept for the Digitalized Certification of Measurement Data: An Example of Vernier-Caliper Calibration (K Shirono, A Hirai, G Matsui, O Sato, H Watanabe, T Takatsuji and T Fujimoto)
- On Choosing Two-Sided Power Distribution for Measurement Data (A V Stepanov and A G Chunovkina)
- Towards an Explainable GNN Based Approach for Lifetime Prediction Using Multivariate Time-series Data (A P Vedurmudi, S M H Zaidi and S Eichstädt)
- The Method of Fitting a Non-Linear Function and Its Uncertainty Band to Data of Measured Points (J Puchalski and Z L Warsza)
- On Testing Uncertainty Statements and Estimating Biases in a Measurement Comparison (R Willink)
- Two Methods for Approximating Percentiles from Moments (R Willink)
- Linearization Region in the Straight-Line Calibration (G Wimmer, V Witkovský and E Fišerová)
- Composition of T-Distribution Laws (I P Zakharov, O A Botsiura and D I Diakov)
- Keyword Index
- Author Index
Readership: Researchers, scientists and graduate students in university mathematics, physics and engineering departments, as well as national metrology institutes. Quality engineers working in metrology and its applications to manufacturing, environment, health and life sciences. Government officials associated with national and international quality infrastructures.
Franco Pavese was a Research Manager at Institute of Metrology "G Colonnetti" (IMGC) of National Research Council, Italy until 2006 (then INRiM until retirement in 2009), with research interests in thermodynamics, including Italian temperature standards < 0 °C, cryogenics, high-temperature superconductivity and general measurement science; then he continued research interests in thermal metrology, environmental sciences and Big Data. He published more than 300 papers/monographs, a book and co-edited 16 books on applications of mathematics to metrology, including previous volumes AMCTM I to XII. He is the founder and previous Chair, now honorary Chair, of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) Technical Committee 21: Mathematical Tools for Measurements.
Alen Bošnjaković is Head of the Department for Cooperation with International and National Institutions at the Institute for Metrology for Bosnia and Herzegovina (IMBiH) and was previously head of the Laboratory for Mass and Related Quantities at IMBiH. His current research interests are in data analytics, including AI and digital technologies, looking aspects of robustness, fairness, bias and uncertainty of these methods. He holds a Masters in Technical Science from the University of Sarajevo and a Doctorate in Technical Science from the University of Zagreb. He is Scientific Secretary of IMEKO Technical Committee 21: Mathematical Tools for Measurements.
Sascha Eichstädt leads the department "Metrology for digital transformation" at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Germany. Since joining PTB in 2008, he has carried out research in mathematical and statistical modelling, signal processing, sensor networks, and digital transformation in the quality infrastructure. He received his Diploma in Mathematics in 2008 at the Humboldt University, Berlin, and his PhD in Theoretical Physics in 2012 at the Technical University Berlin. He chaired the EURAMET working group "Metrology for digital transformation" from 2020–2022 and is currently chair of the OIML Digitalisation Task Group and the IMEKO Technical Committee 6: Digitalisation.
Alistair Forbes is a Fellow in the Data Science Department at the National Physical Laboratory, (NPLP) UK, with research interests in mathematical and statistical modelling, algorithm design, uncertainty evaluation, numerical software development and validation with applications to metrology in the physical and environmental sciences. He has published over 200 papers and reports and co-edited ten books on the application of mathematics to metrology, including previous volumes AMCTM VII to XII. He is currently Chair of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) Technical Committee 21: Mathematical Tools for Measurements.
João Alves Sousa is Head of the National Metrology Laboratory at the Portuguese Institute for Quality – the Portuguese National Metrology Institute. He has more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings in metrology and digitalization, with research interests in the evaluation of measurement uncertainty, and the development of new theoretical and applied metrological capabilities in key emergent areas, with a particular focus on the area of Energy. He is Vice-Chair of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) Technical Committee 7: Measurement Science, and Chair of the European Metrology Network for Clean Energy.