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From Phase Transitions to Chaos cover

This volume comprises about forty research papers and essays covering a wide range of subjects in the forefront of contemporary statistical physics. The contributors are renown scientists and leading authorities in several different fields. This book is dedicated to Péter Szépfalusy on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. Emphasis is placed on his two main areas of research, namely phase transitions and chaotic dynamical systems, as they share common aspects like the applicability of the probabilistic approach or scaling behaviour and universality. Several papers deal with equilibrium phase transitions, critical dynamics, and pattern formation. Also represented are disordered systems, random field systems, growth processes, and neural network. Statistical properties of interacting electron gases, such as the Kondo lattice, the Wigner crystal, and the Hubbard model, are treated. In the field of chaos, Hamiltonian transport and resonances, strange attractors, multifractal characteristics of chaos, and the effect of weak perturbations are discussed. A separate section is devoted to selected mathematical aspects of dynamical systems like the foundation of statistical mechanics, including the problem of ergodicity, and rigorous results on quantum chaos.

  • Anisotropic Segregation in a Gravitational Field (K Binder et al.)
  • Phase Transitions in Lorentz-type Gases (L A Bunimovich)
  • The Structure of a Weakly Nonlinear Resonance (B V Chirikov & V V Vecheslavov)
  • A Dynamical System with Spatial Complexity Increasing in Time (P Collet)
  • Replica Symmetry Breaking in the Ising Spin Glass in Finite Dimensions (C De Dominicis & I Kondor)
  • Evolution of Patterns in Rotating Bénard Convection (M Fantz et al.)
  • Correction to Dynamic Scaling for the Lambda Transition in Liquid He4: III. Quasi-Scaling at the Natural Boundary (R A Ferrell & J K Bhattacharjee)
  • A Contribution to Statistical Nonlinear Dynamics (H Fujisaka)
  • Non-equilibrium Potentials for Dynamical Systems Weakly Perturbed by Noise (R Graham & A Hamm)
  • Quantum Hall Effect, Localization, Multifractality (J Hajdu & M Janssen)
  • Phase Transitions in Binary Systems in the Presence of Amphiphilic Molecules (T Kawakatsu & K Kawasaki)
  • Droplet Dynamics of Ising Ferromagnets at the Critical Point (J Kertész & D Stauffer)
  • On the Number of Lattice Points Inside a Random Domain (D V Kosygin & Ya G Sinai)
  • Long-time Correlations and Anomalous Scaling Laws of Widespread Chaos in the Standard Map (H Mori & T Horita)
  • Chaotic Properties of the Noncommutative 2-shift (H Narnhofer & W Thirring)
  • Dynamics of Growing Self-Affine Surfaces (T Vicsek)
  • and other papers

Readership: Physicists and mathematicians.