The Fifth Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science covers all aspects of Theoretical Computer Science. Among the topics addressed in the volume are Algorithms, Concurrency, Automata, Formal Languages, Computational Complexity, Temporal and Model Logic, Logic Programming, and λ-Calculus.
The proceedings include 33 selected papers and three distinguished invited lectures by Michael Luby, Ugo Montanari and Alberto Bertoni.
Sample Chapter(s)
Derandomizing Approximation Algorithms for Hard Counting Problems (815 KB)
- A Novel Deterministic Sampling Scheme with Applications to Broadcast-Efficient Sorting on the Reconfigurable Mesh (S Olariu & J L Schwing)
- Syntactical Properties of an Extention of Girard's System F Where Types can be Taken as “Generic” Inputs (G Bellè)
- Broadcast Encryption Schemes with Disenrollment Capability (C Blundo & A Cresti)
- Interleaving Based Partial Ordering Semantics (C Priami)
- Set–Theoretic Decidability Results for Modal Theorem Proving (G D'Agostino et al)
- Verifying Identical Communicating Processes is Undecidable (A Finkel & P McKenzie)
- An Investigation on the Optimal Implementation of Processes (C Laneve)
- Reasoning about Value–Passing Calculi in HOL (M Nesi)
- Transforming Comparison Model Lower Bounds to the Parallel–Random–Access–Machine (D Breslauer et al)
- Formalizing Causal Reasoning in Law with an Action–Based Language: A Preliminary Report (A Provetti)
- and other papers
Readership: Students and researchers in computer science.