This book covers various aspects of modern microscopy, with emphasis on multidimensional (three-dimensional and higher) and multimodality microscopy. The topics discussed include multiphoton fluorescent microscopy, confocal microscopy, x-ray microscopy and microtomography, electron microscopy, probe microscopy and multidimensional image processing for microscopy. In addition, there are chapters demonstrating typical microscopical applications, both biological and material.
- Volume 1:
- Multiple Oblique Illumination Method of High Definition Stereo Microscopy (G L Greenberg & A Boyde)
- Two-Color Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy with Improved Channel Separation: Applications in Chemical Neuroanatomy (K Carlsson & B Ulfhake)
- Morphological Parameters, Medial Lines and Skeletons Computed in the 3D Voronoi Diagram with Applications to 3D CLSM Images (R Eils et al.)
- Confocal Imaging Through Weakly and Highly Scattering Media with Ultrashort Pulsed Laser Beams (M Gu et al.)
- Realisation of Depletion by Stimulated Emission in Fluorescence Microscopy (S W Hell et al.)
- Cytoskeletal and Nuclear Behavior During Female Gametophyte Development and Fertilization in Angiosperms (B-Q Huang et al.)
- 3D X-Ray Microscopy: High-Resolution Stereo-Imaging with the Göttingen X-Ray Microscope at BESSY (J Lehr)
- Distribution of Taste Pores and Ultrastructural Organization of Gustatory Cells in Gerbil Vallate Taste Buds (K-S Lu et al.)
- Triple-Colour Confocal Microscopy: A Tool for the Analysis of Three-Dimensional Biological Structures (E M M Manders et al.)
- Contrast, Resolution, Bleaching and Statistics in Confocal Microscopy (J Pawley)
- Membrane Specialization in Skeletal Muscle Cells (H B Peng)
- The Optical Fractionator (S Antunes et al.)
- Optical Fibre Probe Microscopy (C J R Sheppard & H Fatemi)
- The Fractional Fourier and Special Affine Fourier Transformations (S Abe & J T Sheridan)
- Confocal Theta Fluorescence Microscopy: Practical Considerations (S Lindek & E H K Stelzer)
- Subcellular Localization and Gene Mapping of Human Nuclear Mitotic Apparatus Protein (NuMA) by Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy (C-J C Tang & T K Tang)
- Exact and Approximate Cone-Beam X-Ray Microtomography (G Wang et al.)
- Advantages and Application of Low Temperature Scanning Electron Microscopy (W P Wergin et al.)
- Sensitivity of Optical Near-Field to a Two-Dimensional Rectangular Structure (S Wang)
- Volume 2:
- Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging by Double Pulse Excitation in Bilateral Confocal Microscopy (G J Brakenhoff et al.)
- Icosahedral Virus Structure Determination by Electron Cryomicroscopy: Image Processing Principles (P A Thuman-Commike & W Chiu)
- Appropriate Image Processing for Confocal Microscopy (G Cox & C J R Sheppard)
- X-Ray Fluorescence Two-Dimensional Microanalysis at the VEPP-3 Storage Ring: Applications in Environmental Science (I P Dolbnya & K V Zolotarev)
- 3D Transfer-Function Analysis for 4Pi Confocal Microscopy (M Gu & C J R Sheppard)
- Image Restoration of Thick Biological Specimens for Transmission Electron Microscope Tomography (K F Han et al.)
- Images of Membrane-Bound Detoxification Enzyme at 4Å Resolution Obtained by Electron Cryomicroscopy (I Schmidt-Krey et al.)
- The Uptake Pathway of DNA and Lipids in Cationic Liposome-Mediated Gene Transfer (S-W Hui et al.)
- Multiscale Imaging, Analysis and Modeling of the Pulmonary Bronchial Tree (A Kriete et al.)
- Asymmetric Cell Division as a Mechanism of Cell Determination in Vascular Plants (B-L Lin)
- 3D Electron Microscopy of Cells and Organelles by High-Voltage EM, Tomography and Stereopair Analysis (M Marko)
- Surface Scattering Techniques in Scanning Optical Microscopy (J F Aguilar & E R Méndez)
- Applications of Electron Microscopy to Materials and Earth Sciences – Dislocation, Shape and Orientation Changes and Interdiffusion (P Shen)
- Surface Profiling and Confocal Microscopy (C J R Sheppard & J C Quartel)
- Matched Spatial Filters in Long Working Distance Microscopy of Phase Objects (J R Strickler & J-S Hwang)
- Transport Pathways of Lipoproteins Across the Arterial Endothelial Cells (C-H Kao et al.)
- Polarisation Effects in Confocal Microscopy (T Wilson)
- Near-Field Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Single Molecules, Single Proteins and Biological Membranes (X S Xie et al.)
Readership: Researchers in life sciences, optics, microscopy and image processing.