The present volume grew out of an international conference on affine algebraic geometry held in Osaka, Japan during 3–6 March 2011 and is dedicated to Professor Masayoshi Miyanishi on the occasion of his 70th birthday. It contains 16 refereed articles in the areas of affine algebraic geometry, commutative algebra and related fields, which have been the working fields of Professor Miyanishi for almost 50 years. Readers will be able to find recent trends in these areas too. The topics contain both algebraic and analytic, as well as both affine and projective, problems. All the results treated in this volume are new and original which subsequently will provide fresh research problems to explore. This volume is suitable for graduate students and researchers in these areas.
Sample Chapter(s)
Acyclic Curves and Group Actions on Affine Toric Surfaces (435 KB)
- Acyclic Curves and Group Actions on Affine Toric Surfaces (Ivan Arzhantsev and Mikhail Zaidenberg)
- Hirzeburch Surfaces and Compactifications of ℂ2 (M Furushima and A Ishida)
- Cyclic Multiple Planes, Branched Covers of Sn and a Result of D L Goldsmith (R V Gurjar)
- 𝔸1*-Fibrations on Affine Threefolds (R V Gurjar, M Koras, K Masuda, M Miyanishi and P Russell)
- Miyanishi's Characterization of Singularities Appearing on 𝔸1-Fibrations Does Not Hold in Higher Dimensions (Takashi Kishimoto)
- A Galois Counterexample to Hilbert's Fourteenth Problem in Dimension Three with Rational Coefficients (Ei Kobayashi and Shigeru Kuroda)
- Open Algebraic Surfaces of Logarithmic Kodaira Dimension One (Hideo Kojima)
- Some Properties of ℂ* in ℂ2 (M Koras and P Russell)
- Abhyankar-Sathaye Embedding Conjecture for a Geometric Case (Tomoaki Ohta)
- Some Subgroups of the Cremona Groups (Vladimir L Popov)
- The Gonality of Singular Plane Curves II (Fumio Sakai)
- Examples of Non-Uniruled Surfaces with Pre-Tango Structures Involving Non-Closed Global Differential 1-Forms (Yoshifumi Takeda)
- Representations of 𝔾a of Codimension Two (Ryuji Tanimoto)
- The Projective Characterization of Genus Two Plane Curves Which Have One Place at Infinity (Keita Tono)
- Sextic Variety as Galois Closure Variety of Smooth Cubic (Hisao Yoshihara)
- Invariant Hypersurfaces of Endomorphisms of the Projective 3-Space (De-Qi Zhang)
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in affine algebraic geometry.