This new volume documents the transition from the development of electrochemical monitoring of brain function, now more than 40 years old, to fundamental neuroscience. This includes the links of molecular neuroscience to biobehavior, to a molecular understanding of neurologically-linked diseases and to the investigation of neuroactive molecules made possible by new detection methodology. This work should be of interest to a broad audience, especially those who are engaged in neuroscience research, for example in drug discovery, but are not familiar with electrochemical methodology.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Using Biosensors to Probe Fundamental Questions of Sleep (360 KB)
- Using Biosensors to Probe Fundamental Questions of Sleep (Erik Naylor and Peter A Petillo)
- Cortical Cholinergic Transients for Cue Detection and Attentional Mode Shifts (Martin Sarter, William M Howe and Howard Gritton)
- Real-Time Measurement of ATP and Adenosine in the Nervous System (Nicholas Dale)
- Electrochemical Detection of Adenosine In Vivo (Ashley E Ross and B Jill Venton)
- Real-Time In Vivo Neurotransmitter Measurements Using Enzyme-Based Ceramic Microelectrode Arrays: What We Have Learned About Glutamate Signaling (Jason J Burmeister, Erin R Hascup, Kevin N Hascup, Verda Davis, Seth R Batten, Francois Pomerleau, Jorge E Quintero, Peter Huettl, Pooja M Talauliker, Ingrid Strömberg, Greg A Gerhardt)
- Enzyme-Based Microbiosensors for Selective Quantification of Rapid Molecular Fluctuations in Brain Tissue (Leyda Z Lugo-Morales and Leslie A Sombers)
- Monitoring and Modulating Dopamine Release and Unit Activity in Real-Time (Anna M Belle and R Mark Wightman)
- Quantitative Chemical Measurements of Vesicular Transmitters with Single Cell Amperometry and Electrochemical Cytometry (Jelena Lovrić, Xianchan Li, Andrew G Ewing)
- Coupling Voltammetry with Optogenetics to Reveal Axonal Control of Dopamine Transmission by Striatal Acetylcholine (Polina Kosillo, Katherine R Brimblecombe, Sarah Threlfell and Stephanie J Cragg)
- Electrochemical Recordings During Deep Brain Stimulation in Animals and Humans: WINCS, MINCS, and Closed Loops DBS (Charles D Blaha, Su-Youne Chang, Kevin E Bennet and Kendall H Lee)
- Sweet Leaf: Neurochemical Advances Reveal How Cannabinoids Affect Brain Dopamine Concentrations (Erik B Oleson and Joseph F Cheer)
- Probing Serotonin Neurotransmission: Implications for Neuropsychiatric Disorders (Kevin M Wood, David Cepeda and Parastoo Hashemi)
- Voltammetric Analysis of Loss and Gain of Dopamine Function (Paul A Garris, Kristen A Keefe)
- Measurements of Dopamine Release and Uptake in Huntington's Disease Model Rodents (Sam V Kaplan, Stephen C Fowler, and Michael A Johnson)
- Characterizing Neuropeptide Release: From Isolated Cells to Intact Animals (Agatha E Maki and Jonathan V Sweedler)
- Advancing Chronic Intracortical Electrode Recording Function (Lohitash Karumbaiah, Tarun Saxena, and Ravi Bellamkonda)
- Measurement of Cytokines in the Brain (Julie A Stenken and Michael Elkins)
Readership: Students and researchers in neuroscience research, drug discovery, electrochemistry, neurology, neurobiology, biomedical engineering and analytical chemistry.
- Jason J. Burmeister,
- Erin R. Hascup,
- Kevin N. Hascup,
- Verda Davis,
- Seth R. Batten,
- Francois Pomerleau,
- Jorge E. Quintero,
- Peter Huettl,
- Pooja M. Talauliker,
- Ingrid Strömberg, and
- Greg A. Gerhardt
George S Wilson is Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Emeritus at the University of Kansas. He carried out his undergraduate work at Princeton University and gained his PhD at the University of Illinois (1964) under the direction of Arnold M Hartley. Professor Wilson's research interests are in the area of bioanalytical and bioelectrochemistry. This has involved studies of electron transfer of proteins at electrodes and the redox chemistry of biologically important molecules, especially those containing methionine or methionine derivatives which can facilitate protein oxidation. In addition Professor Wilson has developed glucose biosensors for the continuous monitoring of blood glucose and this has been extended to the monitoring of otherwise electroinactive species in the brain of laboratory rodents. He has published over 210 papers and has co-edited Biosensors: Fundamentals and Applications (1987) and edited Vol 9 — Bioelectrochemistry (2002), Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry, Allen J Bard and Martin Stratmann, series editors. Professor Wilson was President of the Physical and Biophysical Chemistry Division of IUPAC (2000–2001) and has served on numerous national and international committees and editorial boards dealing with electrochemistry research. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the International Society of Electrochemistry, and the American Chemical Society.
Adrian C Michael is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh. He was an undergraduate and graduate student at Emory University. He began his career in neuroscience as an undergraduate in his Dad's (Prof. Richard Phillip Michael, 1924–2014) laboratory in the Emory University School of Medicine. His introduction to in vivo voltammetry came during his time as a graduate student with Prof. Joseph B Justice, Jr. He was a postdoc with Prof. R Mark Wightman at Indiana University (1987–1989) and with Prof. Adam Heller at the University of Texas at Austin (1989–1990) prior arriving in Pittsburgh in 1990. Presently, he focuses on dopamine kinetic domains in the forebrain and the impact of the tissue foreign body response on intracranial measurements. Over the years, he has served on a number of review panels for NSF and NIH, has been an active member of the Organizing Committee of Pittcon, served as President of the Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry (2013–2015), and has been a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Monitoring Molecules in Neuroscience conference. With Laura M Borland he co-edited Electrochemical Methods for Neuroscience, Volume 1 in Frontiers in Neuroengineering (2006) (Sidney Simon and Miguel Nicolelis, series editors).