This is the conference proceedings for the 2015 Asian Congress of Applied Psychology (ACAP 2015), hosted by Aventis School of Management, Singapore. It includes papers by a group of international academics and researchers. It covers the most recent research findings in the fields of Psychology, especially in the applied areas that have a bearing on policies.
Sample Chapter(s)
Subjective norms of the intention to use green sustainable transportation: A case study of In-Trans shuttle bus facility and travel mode choice of Pembangunan Jaya University students in Bintaro Jaya (614 KB)
- Subjective Norms of the Intention to Use Green Sustainable Transportation: A Case Study of In-Trans Shuttle Bus Facility and Travel Mode Choice of Pembangunan Jaya University Students in Bintaro Jaya (Gita Widya Laksmini Soerjoatmodjo)
- Psychological Safety and Organisational Performance in Indonesian Companies: Preliminary Findings (Abror and Raphael K Akamavi)
- Exploring the Relationship Between Attitude Similarity, Likeability, and Construal of Student Leaders (Terri Tan Su-May and Smita Singh)
- Counselling in an In-Patient Set-Up: Role in Mainstream Healthcare (Kamna Chhibber, Samir Parikh and Roshni Sondhi)
- Exploring the Relationship Between Abstract Mindedness, Self-Regulation and Prosocial Behaviour (Maya Devi Ganesan and Smita Singh)
- The Path Analytic Models of 2 X 2 Classroom Goal Structures, Achievement Goals, Achievement Emotions and Self-Regulated Learning of Hong Kong Undergraduates in Their English Study (Wai-Man Chim and Man-Tak Leung)
- Digital Identity: The Transparency of the Self (Katalin Feher)
- The Impact of Classroom Climate on Undergraduates' Self-Regulated Learning and Perceived Competence with Motivation as Mediator (S Y Lau and M Leung)
- The Structural Relationships of Chinese Values, Self-Others Oriented Achievement Motives, Achievement Emotions and Self-Regulated Learning in Hong Kong (Wing Sze Lee and Man-Tak Leung)
- Perceived Chinese Parenting Beliefs and Styles as Antecedents on Hong Kong Undergraduates' Learning and Achievement with Self-Other Achievement Motives as Mediator (W S G Kwan and M T Leung)
- The Path Model of Parenting Style, Attachment Style, Self-Regulation and Smartphone Addiction (H C Kwan and M T Leung)
- Effectiveness of Sponsorship in Swimming Competitions: An Application of Limited Capacity Model of Mediated Message Pprocessing (H K Leng)
- Structural Equation Modeling of Chinese Parenting Predicting Hong Kong Secondary School Students' Learning Strategies with Achievement Emotions and Achievement Goals as Mediators (Choi-Yin So and Man-Tak Leung)
- The Relations of Parental Acceptance-Rejection, 3 X 2 Academic Achievement Goals, Social Achievement Goals, Life Satisfaction, and Learning Strategies for Undergraduates in Hong Kong (Elyse Hoi-Yan Pang and Man-Tak Leung)
- The Structural Relationship of Perceived Academic Support and Selfregulated Learning: The Mediating Role of Achievement Emotions and Academic Motivation (C H Chan and M T Leung)
- Participant Motivation: A Comparison of Male and Female Athletes Competing at the 2009 World Masters Games (Heazlewood, I, J Walsh, J, Climstein, M, Adams, K, Sevene T, DeBeliso, M and J Kettunen, J)
Readership: Readers who are interested in the latest research in psychology, especially in the applied areas.