Computer system performance evaluation is a key discipline for the understanding of the behavior and limitations of large scale computer systems and networks. This volume provides an overview of the milestones and major developments of the field.
The contributions to the book include many of the principal leaders from industry and academia with a truly international coverage, including several IEEE and ACM Fellows, two Fellows of the US National Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of the European Academy, and a former President of the Association of Computing Machinery.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Ken Sevcik as an Advisor and Mentor (252 KB)
- Ken Sevcik as an Advisor and Mentor (E Lazowska et al.)
- Shadow Servers and Priority Scheduling (J P Buzen)
- On the Chronology of Dynamic Allocation Index Policies: The Pioneering Work of K C Sevcik (E Coffman)
- Operational Analysis (P J Denning)
- Function Approximation by Random Neural Networks with a Bounded Number of Layers (E Gelenbe et al.)
- The Achilles' Heel of Computer Performance Modeling and the Model Building Shield (V De Nitto Personè & G Lazeolla)
- Wireless Network Simulation: Towards a Systematic Approach (S K Tripathi et al.)
- Location- and Power-Aware Protocols for Wireless Networks with Asymmetric Links (G Wang et al.)
- Multi-Threaded Servers with High Service Time Variation for Layered Queueing Networks (G Franks et al.)
- Quantiles of Sojourn Times (P G Harrison & W J Knottenbelt)
- Asymptotic Solutions for Two Non-Stationary Problems in Internet Reliability (Y Kogan & G Choudhury)
- Burst Loss Probabilities in an OBS Network with Dynamic Simultaneous Link Possession (T Battestilli & H Perros)
- Stochastic Analysis of Resource Allocation in Parallel Processing Systems (M S Squillante)
- Periodic Task Cluster Scheduling in Distributed Systems (H Karatza)
Readership: Graduate students, Internet engineers, computer scientists, system engineers, and computer designers. Also suitable for use in professional development seminars in computers and networks.