This book gives a complete and systematic account of the I/O software system of minicomputers, the writing of new drivers and privileged processes to perform I/O operations. This book should be ideal for researchers and professionals who have a general understanding of the nature of programming and assembly language. It enables the readers to transfer their expertise readily to other computers and also prepares them for employment as I/O software engineers.
- Functions of a Driver
- QIO Directive Formats and Synchronization Modes
- Memory Management and Address Mapping
- Components of Drivers and Their Classification
- System Pool and Related Questions of System Generation
- Interrupt Processing of Drivers
- Case Study — Line Printer Driver LPDRV
- Pre-Processing and Post-Processing of QIO Requests
- Linking and Debugging of Drivers
- Privileged Processes for I/O Operations
- Application of an ACP
- General Characteristics of an ACP
- Enable and Disable Operations of an ACP
- Case Study — NDACP for Name List and DQ Cell List Processing
- System Services Available to I/O Operations
- File Control Services FCS
Readership: Software systems managers, control engineers using computers for process control, engineers designing computer interface systems and students of control engineering and computer science.