Engineering requires applied science, and chemistry is the center of all science. The more chemistry an engineer understands, the more beneficial it is. In the future, global problems and issues will require an in-depth understanding of chemistry to have a global solution.
This book aims at bridging the concepts and theory of chemistry with examples from fields of practical application, thus reinforcing the connection between science and engineering. It deals with the basic principles of various branches of chemistry, namely, physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, surface chemistry, biochemistry, geochemistry, fuel chemistry, polymer chemistry, cement chemistry, materials chemistry, and asphalt chemistry. Written primarily for use as a textbook for a university-level course, the topics covered here provide the fundamental tools necessary for an accomplished engineer.
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Chapter 1: Physical Chemistry (362 KB)
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- Physical Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry
- Surface Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Geochemistry
- Fuel Chemistry
- Polymer Chemistry
- Cement Chemistry
- Materials Chemistry
- Asphalt Chemistry
Readership: Engineers, chemists, and chemical engineering students at both graduate and undergraduate levels.
Teh Fu Yen is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, where he teaches courses in Environmental Chemistry as well as Chemical and Biological Processes in Environmental Engineering. He has used the material in this book in his courses for more than 30 years. Over the years, he has published a number of books and articles in the fields of science and environmental engineering, including Chemical Processes for Environmental Engineering, published by Imperial College Press in 2007. His next book, Biological Processes and Biotechnology for Environmental Engineers, will be published by Imperial College Press within the next few years.