From a 3D Passive Biped Walker to a 3D Passivity-Based Controlled Robot
Borhan Beigzadeh, Mohammad Reza Sabaapour, Mohammad Reza Hairi Yazdi and Kaamran Raahemifar
Kinetic Responses to Unilateral Constraint of the Metatarsophalangeal Joints During BipedalWalking
Yixiang Liu, Xizhe Zang, Niansong Zhang and Yubin Liu
Standing Posture Control of Bipedal Robots with Adaptive Compliance Under Unknown Payload Variations and External Disturbances
Yichao Mao, Qiuguo Zhu, Chunlin Zhou and Rong Xiong
Flexible Structure and Wheeled Feet to Simplify Biped Locomotion of Humanoid Robots
Giovanni Gerardo Muscolo and Carmine Tommaso Recchiuto