A sequel to the well received book, Quantum Mechanics by T Y Wu, this book carries on where the earlier volume ends. This present volume follows the generally pedagogic style of Quantum Mechanics. The scope ranges from relativistic quantum mechanics to an introduction to quantum field theory with quantum electrodynamics as the basic example and ends with an exposition of important issues related to the standard model. The book presents the subject in basic and easy-to-grasp notions which will enhance the purpose of this book as a useful textbook in the area of relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics.
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- Relativistic Quantum Mechanics:
- Relativistic Wave Equation: Klein-Gordon Equation
- Dirac Theory for Free Electrons
- γμ-Matrices, Helicity, Charge Conjugation, Transformations of Dirac Equations
- Dirac Electron in an Electromagnetic Field
- Introduction to Quantum Field Theory:
- Classical Field Theory
- Many-Body Systems
- Quantization of Free Fields: Klein-Gondon Field
- Electromagnetic Fields
- Dirac Electron-Positron Field
- Dirac Theory of Emission and Absorption of Radiation
- Quantum Electrodynamics I:S-Matrix Elements
- Feynman Rules
- Cross Sections Quantum Electrodynamics II: Renormalization
- The Standard Model:
- Quantum Chromodynamics and Glashow-Salam-Weinberg Electroweak Theory
- Symmetries, Transformations, and Invariants
- SU(2), SU(3) Symmetries
- Potentials and Phase
- Quantum Chromodynamics
- SU(3)
- Color Confinement
- Path Integrals
- Lattice Gauge Fields
- The Glashow-Salam-Weinberg Electroweak Theory: SU(2) X U(1) Gauge Theory
- Higgs Mechanisms
- Experimental Tests of the Standard Model: Parton Model
- Tests of QCD
- Index
Readership: Physicists and graduate students in particle, medium energy, nuclear, and atomic physics.
“… is remarkable for its thorough treatment and clarity of exposition … As a thorough and balanced account of modern and not-so-modern field theory this book is hard to better and graduate students who have digested it could claim with justice to have a bird's eye view of the subject.”
Contemporary Physics
“… a useful textbook for advanced undergraduate courses …”
Mathematical Reviews