Combinatorial knot theory and the Jones polynomial
This paper is an introduction to combinatorial knot theory via state summation models for the Jones polynomial and its generalizations. It is also a story about the developments that ensued in relation to the discovery of the Jones polynomial and a remembrance of Vaughan Jones and his mathematics.
- Knot
- link
- Jones polynomial
- bracket polynomial
- Homflypt polynomial
- Kauffman polynomial
- state sum
- partition function
- functional integral
- quantum field theory
- topological quantum field theory
- tensor network
- Yang–Baxter equation
- Temperley–Lieb algebra
- quantum link invariant
- Hopf algebra
- quantum group
- Vassiliev invariant
- Jacobi identity
- virtual knot theory
- arrow polynomial
- surface
- cobordism
- category
- Khovanov category
- mapping cone
- homotopy
- chain homotopy