The Faddeev–Popov rules for a local and Poincaré-covariant Lagrangian quantization of a gauge theory with gauge group are generalized to the case of an invariance of the respective quantum actions, S(N), with respect to N-parametric Abelian SUSY transformations with odd-valued parameters λp, p=1,…,N and generators sp: spsq+sqsp=0, for N=3,4, implying the substitution of an N-plet of ghost fields, Cp, instead of the parameter, ξ, of infinitesimal gauge transformations: ξ=Cpλp. The total configuration spaces of fields for a quantum theory of the same classical model coincide in the N=3 and N=4 symmetric cases. The superspace of N=3 SUSY irreducible representation includes, in addition to Yang–Mills fields 𝒜μ, (3+1) ghost odd-valued fields Cp, ˆB and 3 even-valued Bpq for p, q=1,2,3. To construct the quantum action, S(3), by adding to the classical action, S0(𝒜), of an N=3-exact gauge-fixing term (with gauge fermion), a gauge-fixing procedure requires (1+3+3+1) additional fields, ˉΦ(3): antighost ˉC, 3 even-valued Bp, 3 odd-valued ˆBpq and Nakanishi–Lautrup B fields. The action of N=3 transformations on new fields as N=3-irreducible representation space is realized. These transformations are the N=3 BRST symmetry transformations for the vacuum functional, Z3(0)=∫dΦ(3)dˉΦ(3)exp{(ı/ℏ)S(3)}. The space of all fields (Φ(3),ˉΦ(3)) proves to be the space of an irreducible representation of the fields Φ(4) for N=4-parametric SUSY transformations, which contains, in addition to 𝒜μ the (4+6+4+1) ghost–antighost, Cr=(Cp,ˉC), even-valued, Brs=−Bsr=(Bpq,Bp4=Bp), odd-valued ˆBr=(ˆB,ˆBpq) and B fields. The quantum action is constructed by adding to S0(𝒜) an N=4-exact gauge-fixing term with a gauge boson, F(4). The N=4 SUSY transformations are by N=4 BRST transformations for the vacuum functional, Z4(0)=∫dΦ(4)exp{(ı/ℏ)S(4)}. The procedures are valid for any admissible gauge. The equivalence with N=1 BRST-invariant quantization method is explicitly found. The finite N=3,4 BRST transformations are derived and the Jacobians for a change of variables related to them but with field-dependent parameters in the respective path integral are calculated. They imply the presence of a corresponding modified Ward identity related to a new form of the standard Ward identities and describe the problem of a gauge-dependence. An introduction into diagrammatic Feynman techniques for N=3,4 BRST invariant quantum actions for Yang–Mills theory is suggested.