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  • articleNo Access

    Research on Dynamic Evaluation Method of Tourist Destination Accessibility Based on Interpretive Structure Model

    Because of its core role in the process of tourism, tourism destination has always been the focus of discussion among the industry, but the comprehensive evaluation of tourism destination is rarely mentioned. This paper selects tourism destination as the focus of investigation, gives the evaluation method of tourism destination, adapts to the trend of tourism modernization, and discusses the quantifiable model of tourism destination evaluation. This paper first selects several tourism destinations as samples, collects and combs the information related to spatial equity of tourism destinations, and determines the main problem categories of spatial equity of tourism destinations. Then, through the summary of relevant data and case analysis, a framework of tourism target accessibility risk factors is formed. At the same time, considering the interaction between risk factors, we then give a method to determine the weight that can improve granular computing. First, we use this method to obtain the quotient space family with hierarchical characteristics through the similarity relationship between data, and then we can calculate the importance of each feature in the quotient space family, so as to obtain the corresponding weight between different influence indexes. Finally, the paper takes the tourism destination spatial equity problem as the main research goal, and through the dynamic evaluation of the tourism destination spatial equity risk impact structure using the interpretive structure model, and describes the schematic diagram of its impact structure, so as to find out the direct, source, process and other factors that cause the problem.

  • articleOpen Access

    Research on optimization strategies for urban park green space planning in Nanjing based on GIS from the perspectives of network analysis and Thiessen polygon theory

    Urban Park green space is an essential carrier and form of urban recreation space, playing an important role in improving the ecological environment and enhancing the image of the city. With the process of urbanization and the continuous improvement of residents’ living standards, urban park construction has become increasingly important to meet people’s growing needs for a better life. However, the evaluation indicators for urban park green space in China mostly consider macroscopic levels, such as the area, number and per capita green area of parks. This cannot fully reflect the level of park green space services. Accessibility can reflect the convenience of residents to reach the park, provide guidance for the reasonable layout of parks and have various evaluation methods relying on geographic information technology. Therefore, it is necessary to quantitatively study the layout and accessibility of park green space. Taking the central urban area of Nanjing as the research object, this paper summarizes existing research and focuses on evaluating the accessibility of park green space while analyzing the layout of parks from multiple perspectives, combined with the existing pressure appraisal of park green space services. Relevant data on Nanjing, including overall planning and statistical yearbooks, were collected and analyzed using geographic information system (GIS) tools, network analysis and Thiessen polygon theory to analyze the service pressure, demand and accessibility of park green space in the central urban area under different transportation methods. Based on the results, targeted optimization strategies are proposed.

  • articleNo Access

    Methodological framework to define and measure “digital” financial inclusion

    International organizations and researchers have built diverse systems to define and measure financial inclusion. It emphasizes access to, usage, and understanding of traditional financial products and services, which primarily rely on physical access to banks. However, many are under-banked and have no access to these financial services. The recent technological advancements are transforming the economy, followed by the widespread use of digital devices. These technological innovations have led to the development of digital financial services and emerged as a key factor in financial inclusion. Therefore, the current financial research has shifted its focus to combining inclusive finance with digital inclusion to define digital financial inclusion. This paper reviews methodological frameworks used to define and measure financial inclusion, digital inclusion and digital financial inclusion. It also proposes a methodological framework for measuring digital financial inclusion in light of existing literature and the context of transforming the economy through digitalization.

  • articleNo Access

    Analysis of the public transit accessibility in Changsha City, China, after the introduction of a subway network

    Using geographic information systems (GIS) network analysis technology, this paper studied the impact of new subway projects on the accessibility of an urban transit network. First, the status quo of public transit accessibility in Changsha City was estimated using two improved accessibility models: the cumulative opportunity measurement model and the gravity measurement model. Second, the topological structural information of the public transit network and basic public transit data were collected from mapping software. GIS technology was used to build the public transit network. According to the schedules of different subway lines projected to open in the next few years, the impedance of the GIS network was adjusted. Finally, the public transit accessibilities at different stages were calculated with the improved measurement model. Based on the accessibility calculation results at different sites, the development of public transit in Changsha was analyzed using a cluster analysis method.

  • articleNo Access

    The Experience of Tests during the COVID-19 Pandemic-Induced Emergency Remote Teaching

    The dire circumstances presented by the COVID-19 pandemic have had a severely debilitating global impact on education, and led to an urgent transition from the onsite environment (OSE) to the online environment (OLE) for teaching and learning. In that regard, this paper describes the experiences of us and students of our involvement in oral and written tests in multiple software engineering-related courses during 2020 and 2021. The challenges encountered along with the interventions are discussed, and educational lessons based on the reactions and responses of the students are given. The results of a preliminary survey of the students of their learning experience in the OLE are presented and, related to it, the comments from the students highlighting their preferences of the OSE or the OLE are included. The test procedures, processes, and/or practices herein are, in principle, generalizable and potentially applicable to other courses in computer science or software engineering, during emergency remote teaching or even otherwise.

  • articleNo Access


      Chinese Researchers Demonstrate that Icotinib Creates Better Progression-Free Survival with Fewer Side Effects than Whole Brain Radiation in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients with Brain Metastases.

      Depressed Patients Are Less Responsive to Chemotherapy.

      Sanofi and JHL Biotech Announced Strategic Biologics Alliance in China.

      Chinese Scientists Developed Cancer Breath Test.

      BGI Opens Seattle Office for North America Expansion.

      Mederi’s Stretta Therapy for GERD Approved in China.

      HONG KONG NEWS – Experts Call for Urgent Multi-Stakeholders Collaboration in the Development of an Integrated Cancer Strategy to Safeguard the Sustainability of Hong Kong's Health Care System.

      HONG KONG NEWS – Uni-Bio Science in Multiple Drug Co-Development Deal with Beijing Sun-Novo.

      HONG KONG NEWS – Immunotherapy with Pembrolizumab Deemed Cost-Effective for Advanced Melanoma Patients in Hong Kong.

    • articleNo Access


        Cancer Control Efforts in Vietnam: Interview with Dr Tran Thanh Huong.

        Prof. Jackie Y. Ying, a Leader in Nanotechnology.

        Exclusive Interviews with TR Innovators under 35.

      • articleNo Access

        Ergodicity and partial hyperbolicity on the 3-torus

        If a non-ergodic, partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism on the 3-torus is homotopic to an Anosov diffeomorphism A, it is topologically conjugate to A.

      • articleNo Access

        Simulating accessibility by SWARM

        Extending our conventional notion of accessibility is a major topic of interest in the geographical and planning literature. This paper explores one of these possibilities. It describes individuals' action spaces and their associated accessibility by means of computer simulation. A multi-agent model is developed with the aim of providing a deeper understanding of daily life activities in a spatial setting. The SWARM software platform is used as a means to investigate the action spaces of individuals and their management strategies.

      • articleNo Access

        Conservation of Amino Acids into Multiple Alignments Involved in Pairwise Interactions in Three-Dimensional Protein Structures

        We present an original strategy, that involves a bioinformatic software structure, in order to perform an exhaustive and objective statistical analysis of three-dimensional structures of proteins. We establish the relationship between multiple sequences alignments and various structural features of proteins. We show that amino acids implied in disulfide bonds, salt bridges and hydrophobic interactions are particularly conserved. Effects of identity, global similarity within alignments, and accessibility of interactions have been studied. Furthermore, we point out that the more variable the sequences within a multiple alignment, the more informative the multiple alignment. The results support multiple alignments usefulness for predictions of structural features.

      • articleOpen Access

        Evaluating the Impact of WEA 2.0 Regulations on WEA Message Content Accessibility

        Policy is ever-changing and evolving to address the needs of the population it serves. The conversation surrounding emergency preparedness often excludes vulnerable populations such as people with disabilities. Therefore, policies and regulations must address existing gaps with inclusive emergency communications. As the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) re-examines and modifies regulations for the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and the Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA), it is invaluable to evaluate whether these regulatory policies have accomplished their intended effect to become more accessible and inclusive. Thus, this paper explores the impact of WEA 2.0 regulations implemented in December of 2019 on the accessibility of WEA message content and provides a comparative analysis on the accessibility of these messages before the regulation and after.

      • chapterNo Access

        Chapter 11: Digital Youth Banking: Facing the Future

        Despite the worldwide strides in advancing financial inclusion amongst the youth, a significant percentage of the population is still financially disadvantaged. While traditional banks have long offered basic financial services to the younger generations, a further opportunity has been spotted to provide better and slicker digital banking to tech-savvy kids and teenagers. This chapter summarises the ongoing development of Digital Youth Banking while highlighting its latest trends. It then explores challenges and opportunities relating to digital youth banking from the accessibility, practicability, and sustainability perspectives. This chapter further presents three exemplary cases to highlight the unleashed potential of digital youth banking from the traditional bank, neobank, and fintech points of view before setting out a series of recommendations to ramp up the endeavours towards financial inclusion of young people in society.

      • chapterFree Access

        Chapter 1: Introduction to Business Storytelling, Science and Statistics

        This chapter presents a brief overview of the volume and the chapters it includes. Although all the chapters fit into a common theme, there is much diversity of both topics and thinking styles. This introductory chapter gives a sense of that diversity.

      • chapterOpen Access

        Workshop 8: Math for All: Professional Learning to Help Teachers Reach All Students in the Mathematics Classroom

        Persistent differences in mathematics performance between general and special education students underscore the need for improving teachers’ preparation to better serve the needs of students with different strengths and needs. Math for All is a research-based, intensive professional learning program designed to help K–5th grade teachers provide accessible, high-quality mathematics instruction to ALL students, including students with disabilities. Using a neurodevelopmental framework (NDF), we analyze the lesson, understand the strengths and challenges of a student, and build adaptations that support the student’s access to the lesson. Multiple research studies have demonstrated the efficacy of the Math for All approach.

      • chapterNo Access

        Chapter 10: Accessibility and Impact of Rural Credit Cooperatives Microcredit Programmes to Rural Households: A Case Study from Hubei Province, China

        Microcredit programme was introduced in China in 1994 to ameliorate rural poverty in a financially sustainable way. Since the year 2000, microcredit programmes have been mostly carried out by Rural Credit Cooperatives (RCCs) that have successfully expanded the financial access to farmers and at the same time achieved high timely repayment rate. This chapter draws the case of RCCs’ microcredit in Hubei Province and looks at whether the implementation of RCCs’ microcredit is an effective instrument to improve the rural households’ welfare and whether it actually reaches the poorest population in rural areas. The evidence show that poor rural households are still constrained to access the microcredit due to some household-related factors as well as obstacles at RCCs’ institutional level. The RCCs’ microcredit marginally improve borrowers’ welfare and the positive impact on welfare only takes effect as the cumulative amount of loan grows. RCCs’ microcredit also enables women in rural China to have better social status which is manifested in several dimensions of women empowerment.

      • chapterNo Access

        Supporting PDF Accessibility Evaluation: Early Results from the FixRep Project

        The aim of this paper is to present results from a pilot study exploring automated formal metadata extraction in accessibility evaluation. Information about some types of accessibility may make up part of the formal metadata for a document. As the importance of document accessibility has become more widely accepted and relevant legislation has been identified and characterised, the possibility of storing information about document accessibility as part of the formal metadata held by the system has become more attractive. This is useful in order to provide a starting-point for an accessibility assessment. This study reviews accessibility issues linked to the PDF format in use. We demonstrate a prototype created during the FixRep project, that aims to support capture, storage and reuse of accessibility information where available, and to approach the problem of reconstructing required data from available sources. Finally, we discuss practical use cases for a service based around this prototype.

      • chapterNo Access


        Improving accessibility to rail systems for persons with disabilities is a governmental assignment to the Swedish Transport Administration. In this paper, we address this issue and discuss on how to obtain quality assured measurements of accessibility. We focus mainly on the accessibility definition, the validity of the measurements and the measurement uncertainty. By defining an accessibility measure that is multiplicative, we obtain a measure that represents the different barriers persons can face when travelling.

      • chapterNo Access


        Visual accessibility appears not to be the essential priority of artists when they produce an artwork. However, they do not choose colors randomly but depending on the message they want to deliver, which can be partially or entirely misunderstood by people with vision problems. This paper proposes to study the possibility of using expressive post-processing effects which can be applied on any kind of 2D image sequence and which allow to improve image perception for many kinds of visual impairments.

      • chapterNo Access


        This paper aims at giving thoughts about a proposal of a smart annotation regarding graphical documents. This research is dedicated to people with special needs, especially to blind or visually-impaired people. The idea is to propose a software that can annotate graphs with semantic descriptors (i.e. sentences) automatically.