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We study a five-dimensional cosmological model, which suggests that the universe began as a discontinuity in a scalar (Higgs-type) field, or alternatively as a conventional four-dimensional phase transition.
We give a mathematically exact and physically faithful embedding of curved 4D cosmology in a flat 5D space, thereby enabling visualization of the big bang in a new and informative way. In fact, in unified theories of fields and particles with real extra dimensions, it is possible to dispense with the initial singularity.
We discuss whether black holes could persist in a universe which recollapses and then bounces into a new expansion phase. Whether the bounce is of classical or quantum gravitational origin, such cosmological models are of great current interest. In particular, we investigate the mass range in which black holes might survive a bounce and ways of differentiating observationally between black holes formed just after and just before the last bounce. We also discuss the consequences of the universe going through a sequence of dimensional changes as it passes through a bounce.
We present a cosmological model in which the Universe emerges out of the collapse of a five-dimensional (5D) star as a spherical three-brane. The initial singularity of the big bang becomes hidden behind a causal horizon. Near scale-invariant primordial curvature perturbations can be induced on the brane via a thermal atmosphere that is in equilibrium with the brane, circumventing the need for a separate inflationary process and providing an important test of the model.
In this paper, I will review an obstruction for theories of the beginning of the universe which can be formulated as semiclassical path integrals. Hartle and Hawking’s no boundary proposal and Vilenkin’s tunneling proposal are examples of such theories. Each may be formulated as the quantum amplitude for obtaining a final 3-geometry by integrating over 4-geometries. The result is obtained using a new mathematical tool — Picard–Lefschetz theory — for defining the semiclassical path integral for gravity. The Lorentzian path integral for quantum cosmology with a positive cosmological constant is mathematically meaningful in this approach, but the Euclidean version is not. Framed in this way, the resulting framework and predictions are unique. Unfortunately, the outcome is that primordial gravitational wave fluctuations are unsuppressed.
In this paper, we investigate the bouncing universe in a modified gravity model f(Q,T). The bouncing universe theory posits that the universe goes through periodic expansions and contractions, with a “bounce” occurring at the end of each contraction that leads to a new expansion. This theory suggests that our universe didn’t emerge on its own out of nothing, but is instead the latest in a series of universes that have been expanding and contracting for eternity. It has gained renewed interest in recent years as a potential alternative to the Big Bang theory, which suggests that our universe began with a massive expansion from a singularity. According to the above explanations, first, we review of f(Q,T) gravity model, then the bouncing universe scenario according to the f(Q,T) gravity model in some special functions is analyzed in detail. We find that in which condition of parameters space, bouncing occurs.
In these proceedings, I will review an obstruction for theories of the beginning of the universe which can be formulated as semiclassical path integrals. Hartle and Hawking’s no boundary proposal and Vilenkin’s tunneling proposal are examples of such theories. Each may be formulated as the quantum amplitude for obtaining a final 3-geometry by integrating over 4-geometries. The result is obtained using a new mathematical tool – Picard-Lefschetz theory – for defining the semiclassical path integral for gravity. The Lorentzian path integral for quantum cosmology with a positive cosmological constant is mathematically meaningful in this approach, but the Euclidean version is not. Framed in this way, the resulting framework and predictions are unique. Unfortunately, the outcome is that primordial gravitational wave fluctuations are unsuppressed.
A nagging problem has existed in the way we regard the local physical world around us and the non-local universe at large since the very beginning development of our philosophical and scientific attitudes toward the external world. That problem deals with the dualistic way in which we parse the physical world itself through geometry. Geometry can be based upon two different elements: the extension- or metric-element of Riemann and the point-element. Riemannian geometry can be fixed by expanding it to include the point-element, but even that is not enough. A further physical advance can be made by adopting the idea of the 0-D point Void, first developed intuitively by Sperry Andrews, but understanding the physical role of the 0-D point Void can only be realized by expanding that notion by adopting the physical concept of a discrete geometrical point/twist. It is only when a discrete 0-D point/twist Void replaces the simple point-element missing in the Riemannian system of differential geometry of surfaces that post-modern physics fulfills its promise. Understanding the concept of a point-element, of course, is necessary to understand how the Riemannian geometry has been used in general relativity as well as how it can be expanded to unify all of modern physics, including quantum theory, under a single geometrical paradigm. Whether a scientist is considering the discrete point-particles of the Standard Model or the existence of point singularities in relativity theory, the concerns are exactly the same, which forces the concept of an individual 0-D discrete point void to the center of the unification process. In either case, the human Mind and Consciousness are perceiving and interpreting the physical/material world that science is attempting to theoretically describe so the ultimate question of Consciousness and how it interacts with the Mind/brain as well as our commonly experienced physical reality also needs to be answered within the context of the 0-D point/twist. In other words, this is the point (no pun intended) where scientific logic and non-scientific intuition come together to give a complete theoretical structure of our commonly shared physical reality. Toward that end, the only logical scientific precedent to understand anything like the 0-D point/twist in all of the history of science is only found in the notion of a tesseract, which dates from the late nineteenth century attempts to ‘realize’ the concept of a hyperspace in the absence of being able to detect them through astronomical observations so that a hyperspace geometry could be used to explain nature. The end product of understanding these concepts is a greater insight into how the single field theory explains a much wider range of physical phenomena than any single previous paradigm of physics.
Many scientists have come to believe that any true unification theory in physics must include a concept of consciousness as well as a model for the mind that interprets the external physical/material world. And, that number is growing. This physical model goes even further. The single field theory includes a physical model of the neural net and explains how mind and consciousness can emerge from the physics of living organisms. Yet it is general enough to assimilate more intuitive models such as Andrews’ 0-D point Void which witnesses and co-creates higher-dimensional Riemannian geometrical realities as well as other more generalized physical models of consciousness to form a truly synergistic model of reality. In other words, physical reality and the consciousness that perceives and interprets that reality both come from the same source, they are co-created at the very beginning of the universe. A singular discrete 0-D point/twist Void emerged within the absolute spaceless-timeless Void of nothingness that preceded everything and through a logical sequence of events produced everything that now exists as our universe. This synergistic model goes well beyond the simple notion of mind and consciousness as mere human bound perceivers and interpreters of the external material/physical world by placing the physical origin of consciousness within every geometrical point in the universe itself. Although full blown consciousness itself is not everywhere in the universe–it is not a property of every bit of matter we observe or event that we detect–the universal will of consciousness to emerge in all forms of life is everywhere in the universe. This physical model clearly demonstrates that the precursors to our experience of consciousness are fundamental elements and active participants in creating the physical world that we perceive and scientifically interpret through the application of physics.
Contrary to popular beliefs, it is possible to explain Baryonic asymmetry of the Universe inside the Standard Model, provided inflation ended into a broken phase below the electroweak transition. Two important ingredients of the solution are multiquanta “Higgs bags”, containing W, Z and top quarks, as well as sphaleron transitions happening inside these bags. Together, they provide baryon number violation at the level 10−2.3. Our recent calculations show that CP violation (due to the usual CKM matrix of quark masses in the 4-th order) leads to top-antitop population difference in these bags of about 10−9. (The numbers mentioned are not yet optimized and simply follow a choice made by some numerical simulations of the bosonic fields we used as a reference point.)
An internally transluminal model of the hypothesized unique cosmic quantum of the very early universe is proposed. It consists of a closed-loop photon model, which has the total mass-energy of the atomic matter and dark matter of our observable universe that will develop from it. The closed-loop photon model is composed of a rapidly circulating point-like transluminal energy quantum (TEQ). This TEQ circulates in a closed helical path with a maximum speed of c sqrt(5), and a minimum speed of c around the photon model’s one-wavelength closed circular axis. The transluminal energy quantum model of the cosmic quantum is a boson. The cosmic quantum model may help shed some light on several fundamental issues in cosmology, such as the nature of the cosmic quantum, the predominance of matter over antimatter in our universe, the possible particles of dark matter, the quantum interconnectedness of the universe, and the very low entropy of the very early universe. The cosmic quantum may be the first particle of dark matter, from which all other particles are derived.
For many years now, the so-called ‘Big Bang’ model for the beginning and evolution of the Universe has been accepted almost without question. In fact, any who have dared question its authenticity has been condemned to a sort of scientific outer darkness. However, what is the truth in this matter? Here some brief thoughts on this problem will be laid out for people to ponder at leisure.
Alleged black hole models pertain to a universe that is spatially infinite, is eternal, contains only one mass, is not expanding, and is asymptotically flat or asymptotically not flat. But the alleged big bang cosmology pertains to a universe that is spatially finite (one case) or spatially infinite (two different cases), is of finite age, contains radiation and many masses including multiple black holes (some of which are primordial), is expanding, and is not asymptotically anything. Thus the black hole and the big bang contradict one another - they are mutually exclusive. It is surprisingly easy to prove that neither General Relativity nor Newton's theory predicts the black hole. Despite numerous claims for discovery of black holes in their millions, nobody has ever actually found one. It is also not difficult to prove that General Relativity violates the usual conservation of energy and momentum. Fundamentally there are contradictions contained in black hole theory, big bang cosmology, and General Relativity. Numerical methods are therefore to no avail.
We discuss the naturality of the standard chaotic initial conditions in inflationary models with flat scalar potential, which are favorable by the present cosmological data.