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  • articleNo Access


    Recent spectroscopic observations of metal poor stars have indicated that both 7Li and 6Li have abundance plateaus as a function of the metallicity. Abundances of 7Li are about a factor three lower than the primordial abundance predicted by standard big-bang nucleosynthesis (SBBN), and 6Li abundances are ~ 1/20 of 7Li, whereas SBBN predicts negligible amounts of 6Li compared to the detected level. These discrepancies suggest that 6Li has another cosmological or Galactic origin. Furthermore, it appear that 7Li (and also 6Li) has been depleted from its primordial abundance by some post-BBN processes. We study the possibility that the radiative decay of long-lived particles has affected the cosmological lithium abundances in reality. We calculate the non-thermal nucleosynthesis associated with the radiative decay, and explore the allowed region of the parameters specifying the properties of long-lived particles. We also impose constraints from observations of the CMB energy spectrum. It is found that non-thermal nucleosynthesis could produces 6Li at the level detected in metal poor halo stars (MPHSs), when the lifetime of the unstable particles is of the order ~ 108 − 1012s depending on their initial abundance. We conclude that a combination of two different processes could explain the lithium isotopic abundances in MPHSs. First, a non-thermal cosmological nucleosynthesis associated with the radiative decay of unstable particles; and second, about the same degree of stellar depletion of both primordial lithium isotopic abundances. If MPHSs experience 6Li depletion of factor much greater than ~ 3, the simple radiative decay process can not be the cause of large 6Li abundances in MPHSs.

  • articleNo Access


    Spectroscopic observations of metal poor halo stars give an indication of a possible primordial plateau of 6Li abundance as a function of metallicity similar to that for 7Li. The inferred abundance of 6Li is ~1000 times larger than that predicted by standard big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) for the baryon-to-photon ratio inferred from the WMAP data, and that of 7Li is about 3 times smaller than the prediction. We study a possible solution to both the problems of underproduction of 6Li and overproduction of 7Li in BBN. This solution involves a hypothetical massive, negatively-charged particle that would bind to the light nuclei produced in BBN. The particle gets bound to the existing nuclei after the usual BBN, and a second epoch of nucleosynthesis can occur among nuclei bound to the particles. We numerically carry out a fully dynamical BBN calculation, simultaneously solving the recombination and ionization processes of negatively-charged particles by normal and particle-bound nuclei as well as many possible nuclear reactions among them. It is confirmed that BBN in the presence of these hypothetical particles can solve the two Li abundance problems simultaneously.

  • articleNo Access


    We clarify in a quantitative way the impact that distinct chemical Tc and kinetic Tk freeze-out temperatures have on the reduction of the neutrino fugacity ϒν below equilibrium, i.e. ϒν<1, and the increase of the neutrino temperature Tν via partial reheating. We establish the connection between ϒν and Tk via the modified reheating relation Tνν)/Tγ, where Tγ is the temperature of the background radiation. Our results demonstrate that one must introduce the chemical nonequilibrium parameter, i.e. the fugacity, ϒν, as an additional standard cosmological model parameter in the evaluation of CMB fluctuations as its value allows measurement of Tk.

  • articleNo Access


    We report on the status of primordial nucleosynthesis in light of recent results on CMB anisotropies from WMAP experiment. Theoretical estimates for nuclei abundances, along with the corresponding uncertainties, are evaluated using a new numerical code, where all nuclear rates usually considered have been updated using the most recent available data. Moreover, additional processes neglected in previous calculations have been included. The combined analysis of CMB and primordial nucleosynthesis prediction for Deuterium gives an effective number of relativistic degrees of freedom in good agreement with the simplest scenario of three nondegenerate neutrinos. Our findings seem to point out possible systematics affecting 4He mass fraction measurements, or the effect of exotic physics, like a slightly degenerate relic neutrino background.

  • articleNo Access


    Three-body cluster-model calculations are performed for the new types of big-bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) reactions that are calalyzed by a supersymmetric (SUSY) particle stau, a scalar partner of the tau lepton. If a stau has a lifetime ≳ 103s, it would capture a light element previously synthesized in standard BBN and form a Coulombic bound state. The bound state, an exotic atom, is expected to induce various reactions, such as (αX-) + d → 6Li + X-, in which a negatively charged stau (denoted as X-) works as a catalyzer. Recent literature papers have claimed that some of these stau-catalyzed reactions have significantly large cross sections so that inclusion of the reactions into the BBN network calculation can change drastically abundances of some elements, giving not only a solution to the 6Li-7Li problem (calculated underproduction of 6Li by ~ 1000 times and overproduction of 7Li+7Be by ~ 3 times) but also a constraint on the lifetime and the primordial abundance of the elementary particle stau. However, most of these literature calculations of the reaction cross sections were made assuming too naive models or approximations that are unsuitable for those complicated low-energy nuclear reactions. We use a few-body calculational method developed by the authors, and provides precise cross sections and rates of the stau-catalyzed BBN reactions for the use in the BBN network calculation.

  • articleNo Access


    Primordial nucleosynthesis provides a probe of the Universe during its early evolution. Given the progress exploring the constituents, structure, and recent evolution of the Universe, it is timely to review the status of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) and to confront its predictions, and the constraints which emerge from them, with those derived from independent observations of the Universe at much later epochs in its evolution. Following an overview of the key physics controlling element synthesis in the early Universe, the predictions of the standard models of cosmology and particle physics (SBBN) are presented, along with those from some non-standard models. The observational data used to infer the primordial abundances are described, with an emphasis on the distinction between precision and accuracy. These relic abundances are compared with predictions, testing the internal consistency of BBN and enabling a comparison of the BBN constraints with those derived from the WMAP Cosmic Background Radiation data. Emerging from these comparisons is a successful standard model along with constraints on (or hints of) physics beyond the standard models of particle physics and of cosmology.

  • articleNo Access


    There is a significant discrepancy between the current theoretical prediction of the cosmological lithium abundance, mostly produced as 7Be during the Big Bang, and its observationally inferred value. We investigate whether the resonant enhancement of 7 Be burning reactions may alleviate this discrepancy. We identify one narrow nuclear level in 9B, E5/2+ ≃ 16.7 MeV that is not sufficiently studied experimentally, and being just ~ 200 keV above the 7Be+d threshold, may lead to the resonant enhancement of 7Be(d, γ)9B and 7Be(d, p)αα reactions. We determine the relationship between the domain of resonant energies Er and the deuterium separation width Γd that results in the significant depletion of the cosmological lithium abundance and find that (Er, Γd)≃(170-220, 10-40) keV can eliminate the current discrepancy. Such a large width at this resonant energy can be only achieved if the interaction radius for the deuterium entrance channel is very large, a27 ≥ 10 fm. New nuclear experimental and theoretical work is needed to clarify the role this resonance plays on the BBN prediction of the lithium abundance. Alternatively, the most liberal interpretation of the allowed parameters of 16.7 MeV resonance can significantly increase the errors in predicted lithium abundance: [7Li/H]BBN = (2.5-6) × 10-10.

  • articleNo Access

    Primordial nucleosynthesis

    Primordial nucleosynthesis, or big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN), is one of the three evidences for the big bang model, together with the expansion of the universe and the cosmic microwave background. There is a good global agreement over a range of nine orders of magnitude between abundances of 4He, D, 3He and 7Li deduced from observations, and calculated in primordial nucleosynthesis. However, there remains a yet-unexplained discrepancy of a factor 3, between the calculated and observed lithium primordial abundances, that has not been reduced, neither by recent nuclear physics experiments, nor by new observations. The precision in deuterium observations in cosmological clouds has recently improved dramatically, so that nuclear cross-sections involved in deuterium BBN needs to be known with similar precision. We will briefly discuss nuclear aspects related to the BBN of Li and D, BBN with nonstandard neutron sources, and finally, improved sensitivity studies using a Monte Carlo method that can be used in other sites of nucleosynthesis.

  • articleNo Access

    Review on effects of long-lived negatively charged massive particles on Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

    We review important reactions in the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) model involving a long-lived negatively charged massive particle, X, which is much heavier than nucleons. This model can explain the observed 7Li abundances of metal-poor stars, and predicts a primordial 9Be abundance that is larger than the standard BBN prediction. In the BBN epoch, nuclei recombine with the X particle. Because of the heavy X mass, the atomic size of bound states AX is as small as the nuclear size. The nonresonant recombination rates are then dominated by the D-wave 2P transition for 7Li and 7,9Be. The 7Be destruction occurs via a recombination with the X followed by a proton capture, and the primordial 7Li abundance is reduced. Also, the 9Be production occurs via the recombination of 7Li and X followed by deuteron capture. The initial abundance and the lifetime of the X particles are constrained from a BBN reaction network calculation. We derived parameter region for the 7Li reduction allowed in supersymmetric or Kaluza–Klein (KK) models. We find that either the selectron, smuon, KK electron or KK muon could be candidates for the X with mX𝒪(1) TeV, while the stau and KK tau cannot.

  • articleOpen Access

    The new hybrid BBN model with the photon cooling, X particle, and the primordial magnetic field

    The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis theory accurately reproduces the abundances of light elements in the universes, except for the 7Li abundance. The calculated 7Li abundance with the baryon-to-photon ratio fixed by the observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) is inconsistent with the observed lithium abundances on the surface of metal-poor halo stars, and this problem is called “7Li problem”. Previous studies proposed to resolve this 7Li problem include photon cooling (possibly via the Bose–Einstein condensation of a scalar particle), the decay of a long-lived X particle (possibly the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle), or an energy density of a primordial magnetic field (PMF). We review and analyze the results of these solutions both separately and in concert, and the constraint on the X particles and the PMF parameters from observed light-element abundances with a likelihood analysis. We can discover parameter ranges of the X particles which can solve the 7Li problem and constrain the energy density of the PMF.

  • articleNo Access

    Revised uncertainties in Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

    Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) explores the first few minutes of nuclei formation during the Big Bang. We present updated 2σ for the abundances of the four primary light nuclides — D, 3He, 4He, and 7Li — in BBN. A modified standard BBN code was used in a Monte Carlo analysis of the nucleosynthesis uncertainties as a function of the baryon-to-photon ratio. Reaction rates were updated to those of NACRE, REACLIB, and R-Matrix calculations. The results were then used to derive a new constraint on the effective number of neutrinos.

  • articleNo Access

    Impact of neutrino properties and dark matter on the primordial Lithium production

    The light elements and their isotopes were produced during standard big bang nucleosynthesis (SBBN) during the first minutes after the creation of the universe. Comparing the calculated abundances of these light species with observed abundances, it appears that all species match very well except for lithium (7Li) which is overproduced by the SBBN. This discrepancy is rather challenging for several reasons to be considered on astrophysical and on nuclear physics ground, or by invoking nonstandard assumptions which are the focus of this paper. In particular, we consider a variation of the chemical potentials of the neutrinos and their temperature. In addition, we investigated the effect of dark matter on 7Li production. We argue that including nonstandard assumptions can lead to a significant reduction of the 7Li abundance compared to that of SBBN. This aspect of lithium production in the early universe may help to resolve the outstanding cosmological lithium problem.

  • articleNo Access

    Effects of transient nonthermal particles on the big bang nucleosynthesis

    The effects of introducing a small amount of nonthermal distribution (NTD) of elements in big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) are studied by allowing a fraction of the NTD to be time-dependent so that it contributes only during a certain period of the BBN evolution. The fraction is modeled as a Gaussian-shaped function of log(T), where T is the temperature of the cosmos, and thus the function is specified by three parameters; the central temporal position, the width and the magnitude. The change in the average nuclear reaction rates due to the presence of the NTD is assumed to be proportional to the Maxwellian reaction rates but with temperature TNTDζT, ζ being another parameter of our model. By scanning a wide four-dimensional parametric space at about half a million points, we have found about 130 points with χ2<1, at which the predicted primordial abundances of light elements are consistent with the observations. The magnitude parameter 𝜀0 of these points turns out to be scattered over a very wide range from 𝜀01019 to 101, and the ζ-parameter is found to be strongly correlated with the magnitude parameter 𝜀0. The temperature region with 0.3×109KT0.4×109K or the temporal region t103s seems to play a central role in lowering χ2.

  • articleOpen Access

    Dark matter annihilation in the universe

    The astronomical dark matter is an essential component of the Universe and yet its nature is still unresolved. It could be made of neutral and massive elementary particles which are their own antimatter partners. These dark matter species undergo mutual annihilations whose effects are briefly reviewed in this article. Dark matter annihilation plays a key role at early times as it sets the relic abundance of the particles once they have decoupled from the primordial plasma. A weak annihilation cross section naturally leads to a cosmological abundance in agreement with observations. Dark matter species subsequently annihilate — or decay — during Big Bang nucleosynthesis and could play havoc with the light element abundances unless they offer a possible solution to the 7Li problem. They could also reionize the intergalactic medium after recombination and leave visible imprints in the cosmic microwave background. But one of the most exciting aspects of the question lies in the possibility to indirectly detect the dark matter species through the rare antimatter particles — antiprotons, positrons and antideuterons — which they produce as they currently annihilate inside the galactic halo. Finally, the effects of dark matter annihilation on stars is discussed.

  • chapterNo Access

    Study of 2H(p, γ)3He reaction cross section over a wide energy range

    Solar Neutrinos01 May 2019

    This paper reports on the measurements of the 2H(p,γ)3He reaction cross section performed at the Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics (LUNA) facility in the Gran Sasso Laboratory (LNGS) and at the 3 MV Tandetron accelerator at HZDR Dresden Rossendorf. Overall, the cross section has been measured in the energy range relevant for protostars and the Sun (2.5–22 keV), for Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) (50–400 keV) and even at much higher energies (400–800 keV). After a general introduction on the astrophysical and cosmological relevance of 2H(p,γ)3He reaction cross section, the experimental setups used for each measurement campaign are described, focusing in particular on the importance of going underground. The results obtained so far and the perspectives of the still on-going measurements are also discussed.

  • chapterNo Access

    Germanium detector based study of the 2H(p,γ)3He cross section at LUNA

    Solar Neutrinos01 May 2019

    To understand the evolution of the universe it is important to understand Big Bang Nucleosythesis (BBN) and its reactions, including the 2H(p,γ)3He reaction. The baryon density and the number of neutrino species are two cosmological parameters to describe the universe. These parameters inform the calculated primordial abundances of the elements by way of BBN cross sections. The cross section of the 2H(p,γ)3He reaction has the highest uncertainty among BBN reactions, it is necessary to perform further investigations on this reaction. The aim of the present work is to introduce one of the experimental approaches adopted by the LUNA (Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Physics) collaboration, whose goal is to measure the 2H(p,γ)3He reaction cross section in the energy range 30 < Ec.m. [keV] < 300 with not yet reached precision.

  • chapterOpen Access

    Extra components consistency in the Hubble tension and BBN

    The standard ΛCDM cosmological model now seems to face some puzzles. One of the most serious problems is the so-called Hubble tension; the values of the Hubble constant H0 obtained by local measurements look inconsistent with that inferred from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Although introducing extra energy components such as the extra radiation or Early Dark Energy appears to be promising, such extra components could alter the abundance of light elements synthesized by Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN). We perform a Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate the effect of those extra component scenarios to solve the Hubble tension on the BBN prediction.

  • chapterNo Access


    The 6Li abundance observed in metal-poor halo stars exhibits a possible plateau similar to that for 7Li. The observed abundance of 6Li is a factor of 103 larger and that of 7Li is a factor of 3 lower than the abundances predicted in the standard big bang when the baryon-to-photon ratio is fixed by WMAP, so that some mechanism would have produced 6Li and deplete 7Li. We show that both of these abundance anomalies can be explained by the existence of a long-lived massive, negatively-charged leptonic particle during nucleosynthesis. Such particles would capture onto the synthesized nuclei thereby reducing the reaction Coulomb barriers and opening new transfer reaction possibilities, and catalyzing a second round of big bang nucleosynthesis. We perform a fully dynamical calculation of big bang nucleosynthesis taking account of the recombination and many possible nuclear reactions and confirmed that this solution to both of the Li problems can be achieved with or without the additional effects of stellar destruction.

  • chapterOpen Access

    Cosmological constraints on the neutron lifetime

    We derive new constraints on the neutron lifetime based on the recent Planck 2015 observations of temperature and polarization anisotropies of the CMB. Under the assumption of standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, we show that Planck data constrain the neutron lifetime to τn = (907 ± 69) [s] at 68% c.l.. Moreover, by including the direct measurements of primordial Helium abundance of Aver et al. (2015) and Izotov et al. (2014), we show that cosmological data provide the stringent constraints τn = (875±19) [s] and τn = (921±11) [s] respectively. The latter appears to be in tension with neutron lifetime value quoted by the Particle Data Group (τn = (880.3 ± 1.1) [s]). Future CMB surveys as COrE+, in combination with a weak lensing survey as EUCLID, could constrain the neutron lifetime up to a ~ 6 s precision.

  • chapterFree Access

    Chapter 1: Overview: Cosmological Framework and the History of Computational Cosmology

    This chapter presents an overview of cosmological framework that is necessary to perform cosmological simulations. First, we start with a brief history of cosmological studies of the Universe, such as the discovery of Hubble’s law and cosmic microwave background radiation which constitute the major observational evidence of expanding Big Bang cosmology. Second, we present the basics of General Relativity theory and Friedmann models that describe the expanding universe. Under this theoretical framework, we introduce various cosmological parameters and current best-fit Λ cold dark matter (CDM) model. Third, we discuss the history and development of computational cosmology which was achieved concurrently with the evolution of supercomputers.

    Fig. 1.7. Distribution of DM in the Millennium simulation [75], highlighting the hierarchy of largescale structure in the Universe on different scales from a few Mpc h–1 to 1 Gpc h–1. In the top panel, a significant density peak is shown, which represents a galaxy cluster with many clustered DM halos. The bright spots in the picture represent significant concentrations of DM particles, i.e., DM halos. In the bottom panel, Einstein’s “Cosmological Principle” becomes apparent on scales of >1 Gpc, where the large-scale structure of the universe becomes homogeneous and isotropic.Fig. 1.9. A rough sketch on the development of CHS. Top left: One of the first large-scale CHS presented in 1990 by [104] with a box size of comoving 30 Mpc/h and 1003 cells. Top right: A medium-sized CHS with a box size of comoving 33.75 Mpc/h and 2 × 2163 particles, presented in 2003 by [120]. Bottom: A figure by Thompson and Nagamine (2014), exemplifying the zoom-in CHS technique, which has become more popular after 2010, thanks to software such as MUSIC initial condition generator [121].