In this paper, we present a simulator for two-particle quantum walks on the line and one-particle on a two-dimensional squared lattice. It can be used to investigate the equivalence between the two cases (one- and two-particle walks) for various boundary conditions (open, circular, reflecting, absorbing and their combinations). For the case of a single walker on a two-dimensional lattice, the simulator can also implement the Möbius strip. Furthermore, other topologies for the walker are also simulated by the proposed tool, like certain types of planar graphs with degree up to 4, by considering missing links over the lattice. The main purpose of the simulator is to study the genuinely quantum effects on the global properties of the two-particle joint probability distribution on the entanglement between the walkers/axis. For that purpose, the simulator is designed to compute various quantities such as: the entanglement and classical correlations, (classical and quantum) mutual information, the average distance between the two walkers, different hitting times and quantum discord. These quantities are of vital importance in designing possible algorithmic applications of quantum walks, namely in search, 3-SAT problems, etc. The simulator can also implement the static partial measurements of particle(s) positions and dynamic breaking of the links between certain nodes, both of which can be used to investigate the effects of decoherence on the walker(s). Finally, the simulator can be used to investigate the dynamic Anderson-like particle localization by varying the coin operators of certain nodes on the line/lattice. We also present some illustrative and relevant examples of one- and two-particle quantum walks in various scenarios. The tool was implemented in C and is available on-line at