Aspirations of modern high energy particle physics call for compact and cost efficient lepton and hadron colliders with energy reach and luminosity significantly beyond the modern HEP facilities. Strong interplanar fields in crystals of the order of 10–100 V/Å can effectively guide and collimate high energy particles. Besides continuous focusing crystals plasma, if properly excited, can be used for particle acceleration with exceptionally high gradients OO(TeV/m). However, the angstrom-scale size of channels in crystals might be too small to accept and accelerate significant number of particles. Carbon-based nano-structures such as carbon-nanotubes (CNTs) and graphenes have a large degree of dimensional flexibility and thermo-mechanical strength and thus could be more suitable for channeling acceleration of high intensity beams. Nano-channels of the synthetic crystals can accept a few orders of magnitude larger phase-space volume of channeled particles with much higher thermal tolerance than natural crystals.
This paper presents conceptual foundations of the CNT acceleration, including underlying theory, practical outline and technical challenges of the proof-of-principle experiment. Also, an analytic description of the plasmon-assisted laser acceleration is detailed with practical acceleration parameters, in particular with specifications of a typical tabletop femtosecond laser system. The maximally achievable acceleration gradients and energy gains within dephasing lengths and CNT lengths are discussed with respect to laser-incident angles and the CNT-filling ratios.