The Bodmer-Terazawa-Witten hypothesis of absolutely stable quark matter made of up, down, and strange quarks ((u,d,s) matter) is of much astrophysical and fundamental interest. One consequence is a large binding energy release associated with the conversion of a neutron star to a quark star. A quantitative understanding of the dynamic aspect of the conversion is necessary in order to find out whether this energy is released quietly or in an explosive manner. We address numerically (i.e. solving the reaction-diffusion-advection equations for (u,d) to (u,d,s) combustion) the dynamic processes through which the conversion appears. We find fundamentally very different results from semi-analytic calculations, with front speeds that are several orders of magnitude higher for the former. Resolving the hadronic-quark-matter interface is necessary, since approximations like Coll’s condition may quench the burning, while properly resolving the flame can make combustion always thermodynamically favourable if the hypothesis of absolutely stable strange quark matter is true. We find that lepton physics, including weak decays, electron equation-of-state (EoS), neutrino EoS, and neutrino transport are at the very least as important to the physics of the burning front as the EoS of highly dense matter. In concert, these effects induce novel wrinkling instabilities (such as the deleptonization instability) possibly leading to a deflagration-detonation and/or a quark-core collapse Quark-Nova.