In order to achieve low-frequency, multi-direction vibration energy reliably recovery and utilization, a multi-direction vibration energy harvester (MDVEH) based on the piezoelectric effect is presented. This paper introduces mainly the structural design, working principle, and test of the prototype. Theoretical analysis shows that the MDVEH's electric performance is commonly decided by the environmental vibration frequency, amplitude, proof mass, structure parameters of piezoelectric vibrator, spring stiffness and so on. It can achieve its intended function only when all factors are configured appropriately. Test prototype is fitted to the shaker table and tested in different excitation frequencies, amplitudes and proof masses. The test shows that the MDVEH can work in different directions of vibration, there is an optimum operating frequency about 13Hz, in which MDVEH can generate the maximum voltage about 15V, and within a certain range, the output voltage increases with the rise of the proof mass and the amplitude.