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  • articleNo Access

    Fracture behaviors at inclusions of very-high-cycle fatigue in newly developed clean bearing steel

    Bearing steel is essential for the driving parts of the rotating body, but fisheye crack of inclusions such as TiN, Al2O3 and Cr matrix is formed in the very-high-cycle fatigue (VHCF) regime. Therefore, research on the development of a clean bearing steel that reduces the size of inclusion such as TiN or that does not contain inclusion has been made recently. In this study, the results of long-term attempts by the maker to improve the performance and quality of bearing steel for very long life were quantitatively analyzed from the viewpoint of fracture mechanics. In other words, the phase transformation properties, VHCF characteristics with ultrasonic nanocrystal surface modification (UNSM) treatment and fracture mechanics analysis of this clean bearing are compared quantitatively with those of other common bearing steels from the viewpoint of engineering and industrial applications. The quenching and tempering (QT) specimens of the clean bearing showed fisheye cracks and duplex SN curves in the VHCF regime. The fisheye crack of the clean bearing steel was an internal fatigue crack caused by a small inclusion mainly composed of Al2O3 in the VHCF region. However, fisheye cracking due to TiN and Cr matrix, which was observed in other common bearing steels, did not occur in the clean bearing steel due to the efforts of the developers of new clean bearing.

  • articleNo Access

    Crack–inclusion problem in a long rectangular slab superconductor under viscous flux flow

    We have attempted to study how viscous flux flow affects the crack–inclusion interaction in a long rectangular slab of superconductor during the decreasing field stage under zero-field cooling (ZFC) magnetization process systematically. After some manipulation, the effect of viscous flux flow on the crack–inclusion problem within the superconductor is discussed base on J-integral theory. The simulated results indicate that with the increase of viscous flux flow, the stress intensity factor will increase correspondingly, but the trend of the curve with the elastic modulus, crack length and inclusion radius does not change, associated with the distance between the left crack tip and the inclusion. Compared with viscous flux flow, the effect of the crack length on crack propagation may be more significant under a lower viscous flux flow rate. However, at the higher viscous flux flow, the opposite is true.

  • articleOpen Access


    Fractals25 Jun 2020

    In this research work, we investigate the existence of solutions for a class of nonlinear boundary value problems for fractional-order differential inclusion with respect to another function. Endpoint theorem for φ-weak contractive maps is the main tool in determining our results. An example is presented in aim to illustrate the results.

  • articleNo Access


    To help understand various reproducing kernels used in applied sciences, we investigate the inclusion relation of two reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. Characterizations in terms of feature maps of the corresponding reproducing kernels are established. A full table of inclusion relations among widely-used translation invariant kernels is given. Concrete examples for Hilbert–Schmidt kernels are presented as well. We also discuss the preservation of such a relation under various operations of reproducing kernels. Finally, we briefly discuss the special inclusion with a norm equivalence.

  • articleFree Access

    Corporate Sustainability Initiatives in Gender Equality: Organizational Practices Fostering Inclusiveness at Work in an Emerging-Market Context

    The objective of this paper is to explore through in-depth interviews the reasons why diversity management initiatives targeting women is an important strategic management issue for companies. Interviewed are the human resource managers of two of Turkey’s leading business groups: a manager from the HR department of one of Turkey’s largest banks and the deputy general manager of a non-governmental organization. The evidence suggests that these firms exercise carefully honed policies aimed at fostering gender equality and to that end engage in a variety of activities targeting various human resource functions. Their motives appear to be to reinforce their corporate image, enhance employee satisfaction, and reap such anticipated rewards as greater productivity and increased innovation capability. The importance of company leadership is underlined as an antecedent to the adoption of gender-equality focussed diversity management. The study may have important implications for building sustainable corporate brands, especially in the emerging-market context.

  • articleNo Access

    Further synthetic and structural investigations of new pre-organized picket porphyrins

    The straightforward synthesis of three new picket porphyrins with a restrained conformation is described. These porphyrins have an unusual behavior due to the conjugated but still flexible nature of their pickets. The crystal structure of their common precusor is also reported and confirms the presumed geometry of this type of picket. Indeed, the latter one is formally obtained by the conjugation of two aromatic rings through an amide bond. Although the specific shape of the picket is expected to overcrowd the center of the porphyrin, it is shown that different types of nucleophilic reagents can add easily on these pickets.

  • articleNo Access


    This paper presents two robust algorithms for calculating the orientation and inclusion of simple polygons, respectively. By finding a maximum vertex of a simple polygon, a very fast convex vertex searching method is proposed and the orientation of the polygon can be uniquely determined. To decide the relationship between a point and a simple polygon, the concept of visible edge is put forward and an efficient visible edge searching algorithm is presented.

  • articleNo Access


    Political inclusion is a major concern for democratizing states. Among the many groups excluded and repressed by the former regime, which should now be included? Which should be excluded? And who decides? With the extraordinary events of the Arab uprisings that began in 2011, a wider range of political actors than ever before have become directly engaged in debates and processes of political transition. The new political institutions, however, remain unstable and the distribution of power between them unclear. This paper explores the inclusion-moderation hypothesis with special attention to Islamist groups. It examines the literature on Islamist moderation prior to the Arab uprisings and asks whether the central tenets of those arguments hold in the dynamic environments of the post-revolutionary contexts, particularly in Tunisia and Egypt, where Islamists have done well in free and fair elections. I argue that in unstable and changing institutional contexts, the logic of the inclusion-moderation hypothesis is less likely to be present, particularly when more extreme opposition groups challenge Islamists to prove their core commitment to a conservative religious political vision.

  • articleNo Access

    Fatigue crack propagation in heterogeneous materials under remote cyclic loading

    A fatigue model for the analysis of crack propagation in heterogeneous materials is developed. The crack propagation is driven by cyclic loading and affected by the presence of neighboring inclusions which can have initial eigenstrains such as thermal strain and misfit strain. The static Semi-analytic solution obtained by Zhou et al. [2011a] is utilized to obtain the full stress filed and the stress intensity factors. In order to simulate the crack propagation in heterogeneous materials, the maximum hoop stress criterion is applied to predict crack propagation directions and the Paris-type law is employed to analyze the crack fatigue. Meanwhile, a zigzag crack path consisting of many small vertical and horizontal cracks models an arbitrary crack propagation path. The results show that material dissimilarity between the inclusion and matrix and the magnitude of cyclic loading could greatly influence the behaviors of crack propagation.

  • articleNo Access

    On Eshelby’s inclusion problem in nonlinear anisotropic elasticity

    In this paper, the recent literature of finite eignestrains in nonlinear elastic solids is reviewed, and Eshelby’s inclusion problem at finite strains is revisited. The subtleties of the analysis of combinations of finite eigenstrains for the example of combined finite radial, azimuthal, axial and twist eigenstrains in a finite circular cylindrical bar are discussed. The stress field of a spherical inclusion with uniform pure dilatational eigenstrain in a radially-inhomogeneous spherical ball made of arbitrary incompressible isotropic solids is analyzed. The same problem for a finite circular cylindrical bar is revisited. The stress and deformation fields of an orthotropic incompressible solid circular cylinder with distributed eigentwists are analyzed.

  • chapterNo Access

    Chapter 6: The Global Paradox of Financial Inclusion versus Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing: The Case of Hawala

    Digitalization of the financial sector in the era of globalization has made it highly vulnerable to misuse for money laundering and terrorist financing. At the same time, the financial innovations due to digitalization have led to higher financial inclusion, especially in areas where there is no or limited access to regular banking facilities. To tackle the increased risk of money laundering and terrorist financing, the European Union, among other jurisdictions, has significantly increased regulation and supervision while balancing the security of financial inclusion. One of the issues with intensifying regulation in one sector or jurisdiction is that actors that need to operate in a less regulated and surveilled economy will tend to switch their sector, jurisdiction, or method of getting financial services. One available alternative, which has gathered much attention in recent years, is the hawala remittance system. Especially within the area of anti-money laundering and terrorist financing, the hawala system has been of great interest, as it gives criminals alternative ways of moving wealth outside of the regulated financial sector. This chapter seeks to understand the hawala system in its essence, considering the problems and regulatory dilemmas that this financial alternative creates in a modern financial system.

  • chapterNo Access

    Chapter 14: Diversity and Inclusion in Social Media and Sport

    After reading this chapter, you will be able to do the following:

    • Develop a fundamental understanding of diversity and inclusion.
    • Understand how diversity and inclusion are related to aspects of social identity.
    • Critically engage with the major areas of impact regarding diversity and inclusion in sports social media.
    • Understand trends and current issues that exist around diversity and inclusion in sports social media.
    • Summarize the key skills needed to address diversity issues in sports social media.

  • chapterNo Access

    Chapter 8: Collaborative Story Craft as a Tool for Inclusive Workplace Practices

    How can storytelling help create more inclusive workplaces and bring about consent with things as they really are? This chapter presents our intervention tool, Collaborative Story Craft (CSC), as a way to involve more members in the collective story at the workplace. From our positions as researchers and practitioners, we give an account of the tool’s theoretical framework, specifically schools of sensemaking and social worlds, to describe and connect our method to practice. In this chapter, we also introduce a fictional story to highlight the sensemaking process of using CSC as a meaningful way to include more voices into the collective story.

  • chapterNo Access

    Chapter 2: Frameworks for Socially Responsible Marketing and Ethical Communication

    This chapter explores the concepts of ethics, morals and social responsibility from organisational and societal perspectives covering both marketing that is focused on profit and marketing focused on bringing about social benefit. It discusses the meanings of social responsibility from different paradigmatic viewpoints and highlights the advantages and limitations of particular approaches. The chapter also considers some aspects of legal and regulatory frameworks and the potential for the development of codes of conduct for socially responsible for-profit marketing and social marketing. The discussion is positioned in a global context and is grounded by intercultural considerations and the diversity of ethical perspectives and norms across cultures.

  • chapterNo Access

    Chapter 7: Four Personal Stories about True Storytelling and the work of DEI

    This chapter presents personal narrative accounts of lived experiences from African American diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) practitioners and guides. These narrative accounts are an individual and collective reflection of life events, artifacts revealed during training events toward the achievement of True Storytelling institute (TSI) Train the Trainer certification and completion of Organizational Development modules. The Seven Principles of True Storytelling were the frame-work and methodology used to reveal parallel fractals and artifacts among the participants represented in the chapter. The account of events leading up to and including the training path toward guide certification presented an in-depth and absorptive milieu toward the objective of deconstruction and reconstruction driven by antenarrative interplay as a change process over the grand narrative in the DEI space. The seamless change process evolved through the seven principles and organizational development processes stimulated by David Boje’s 7 B’s and four hearts. The narrative life stories in the context of the seven principles of True Storytelling embody authentic voices of personal experiences integrating natural ways of thinking about aspects of DEI, rehistorizing from the past to the present.

  • chapterOpen Access

    Workshop 10: Challenging Ableist Perspectives on the Teaching of Mathematics: A CAPTeaM Workshop

    This short paper outlines the main aims and objectives of the CAPTeaM project and the activities that took place during the CAPTeaM workshop at ICME14 on Wednesday 14 July 2021.

  • chapterNo Access


    The elastodynamic response of the transformation-toughened ceramics under an instantaneous phase transformation is investigated. Some composite materials, such as Zirconia toughened ceramics, are the remarkable material, which has a high strength, a high elastic modulus, and an improved toughness, etc. Most of the good qualities are common in many ceramic composite materials. These good qualities are made possible through the phase transformation of composite particles. The transformation toughening utilizes the stress-induced phase transformation of particles, which is accompanied by a volumetric expansion. In this paper a phenomenological model is proposed to describe the situation, which involves a dynamic martensitic transformation in a spherical particle of Zirconia embedded in an infinite elastic matrix. Following the ray methods, we clarify the stress-focusing effect caused by the instantaneous phase transformation in a spherical inclusion of Zirconia. It should be noted that the mechanism in the toughening of ceramics in the steady state does not hold in the dynamic state.

  • chapterNo Access


    A new deoxidation technology using ZrO2 solid electrolyte has been developed for metallurgical process, in which no any inclusion will be introduced after deoxidation and a clean metal will be obtained. This new technique is simple and flexible; it can be used in various cases in metallurgical process. A theoretical formula has been used to describe this process and a good agreement has been reached between experiment and theoretical calculation.

  • chapterNo Access

    Effect of AlMnMgFe Deoxidization on Microstructure and Mechanical Property of Low Carbon and Low Alloy Steel

    In order to study the impact of Mg deoxidation on the inclusions and properties of Low Carbon and Low Alloy Steel, five heats of 5.72%Mg-50.5%A1-7.92Mn-Fe Alloy (AlMnMgFe) deoxidation trails were done during a 150 tons BOF taping at a steelmaking plant. Optical microscope (OM) was used to test the diameter and number of the inclusions. SEM and EDS were used to examine the types of the inclusions. Then the microstructures and properties of the steels were tested at the room temperature. The results show that, by using AlMnMgFe as the deoxidizer, the inclusions, microstructures and properties of the low carbon and low alloy steel Q195 are improved. There are some spherical MgO·Al2O3 inclusions in the AlMnMgFe deoxidation heats. The diameters of 97.01 percent inclusions are smaller than 3 µm in the AlMnMgFe deoxidization steel, and it is higher than that of Al-killed steel. The mean yield strength, mean tensile strengths and mean elongation of the AlMnMgFe deoxidization steels are higher than Al-killed steels.

  • chapterNo Access


    The inclusions in 10CrNi3Mo steel based on BOF-RH-CC metallurgical process was studied with samples and whole temperature and cleanness analysis. Temperature and operation of BOF smelting, Ar station blowing and RH refining process all have some deficiency for inclusion control. Countermeasures include BOF process optimization, Ar blowing time shortening and RH treating standardization have been taken, inclusions of the end produce decreased from 0.0126% to 0.0084% on average.