This section updates Volume 4 of the Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology titled “Accelerator Applications in Industry and the Environment,” published in 2011 [A. W. Chao and W. Chou (eds.), Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology, Accelerator Applications in Industry and the Environment, Vol. 4 (World Scientific, 2011)]. We also include the new material available about this field following the publication of “The Beam Business: Accelerators in Industry” in 2011 [R. W. Hamm and M. E. Hamm, Physics Today 46–51 (June 2011)] and “Industrial Accelerators and Their Applications” in 2012 [R. W. Hamm and M. E. Hamm, Industrial Accelerators and Their Applications (World Scientific, 2012)], both written and co-edited by one of us (RWH). We start with some general trends in industrial accelerator developments and applications and then move on to bringing the up-to-date developments in each article of Volume 4. In this regard, we owe a debt of gratitude to many of the authors of sections of RAST-4, and they are gratefully acknowledged in each of their individual update submissions.