We give two alternate presentations of the Frobenius Heisenberg category, HeisF,k, defined by Savage, when the Frobenius algebra F=F1⊕⋯⊕Fn decomposes as a direct sum of Frobenius subalgebras. In these alternate presentations, the morphism spaces of HeisF,k are given in terms of planar diagrams consisting of strands “colored” by integers i=1,…,n, where a strand of color i carries tokens labelled by elements of Fi. In addition, we prove that when F decomposes this way, the tensor product of Frobenius Heisenberg categories, HeisF1,k⊗⋯⊗HeisFn,k, is equivalent to a certain subcategory of the Karoubi envelope of HeisF,k that we call the partial Karoubi envelope of HeisF,k.