We established an anisotropic Bianchi type-I dark energy model in this investigation’s f(R,Lm) gravity, where f(R,Lm) is an arbitrary function of the Ricci-scalar curvature R and the matter Lagrangian Lm. For the sake of our analysis, we have taken a particular form of this function, which is represented by the equation f(R,Lm)=R2+αLnm−Λ, where α,n are model free parameters, and Λ is the “cosmological constant”. In order to derive the Hubble function H(z) in terms of redshift z, we analytically solved the field equations and established a connection between the energy parameters Ωm,Ωk,ΩΛ and ω. By using the χ2-test, we compared this Hubble function to H(z) datasets to find the model and energy parameters that fit the data the best. Also, we have analyzed our result with statefinder and Om diagnostic analysis that suggests the model to be a quintessence dark energy model and tends to ΛCDM model in late time.