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  • articleNo Access

    The Rate of Convergence of a NLM Based on F–B NCP for Constrained Optimization Problems Without Strict Complementarity

    It is well-known that the linear rate of convergence can be established for the classical augmented Lagrangian method for constrained optimization problems without strict complementarity. Whether this result is still valid for other nonlinear Lagrangian methods (NLM) is an interesting problem. This paper proposes a nonlinear Lagrangian function based on Fischer–Burmeister (F–B) nonlinear complimentarity problem (NCP) function for constrained optimization problems. The rate of convergence of this NLM is analyzed under the linear independent constraint qualification and the strong second-order sufficient condition without strict complementarity when subproblems are assumed to be solved exactly and inexactly, respectively. Interestingly, it is demonstrated that the Lagrange multipliers associating with inactive inequality constraints at the local minimum point converge to zeros superlinearly. Several illustrative examples are reported to show the behavior of the NLM.

  • articleNo Access

    Quantitative Stability and Empirical Approximation of Risk-Averse Models Induced by Two-Stage Stochastic Programs with Full Random Recourse

    In this paper, we consider the quantitative stability analysis and empirical approximation of risk-averse models induced by two-stage stochastic programs with full random recourse. We first establish the quantitative stability under the mean-coherent risk measure framework and the expected utility framework, respectively, under suitable probability metrics. Based on the obtained quantitative stability results, we then investigate the empirical approximation to these models, and estimate the rates of convergence for the optimal value and optimal solution set with the aid of Ky Fan distance.

  • articleNo Access


    A filtering problem when the pair state-observations is a Markov process is analyzed. Extending a Kunita result to our frame, strong uniqueness for the filtering equation is obtained. In the discrete case, a finite state approximation for the filter is considered and an estimate of the approximation error is given.

  • articleNo Access


    Fractals01 Sep 2020

    In this paper, we study the boundedness character and persistence, local and global behavior, and rate of convergence of positive solutions of following system of rational difference equations

    wherein the parameters αi,βi,ai,bi for i{1,2,3} and the initial conditions x0,y0,z0 are positive real numbers. Some numerical examples are given to verify our theoretical results.

  • articleNo Access


    We consider the problem of pricing step double barrier options with binomial lattice methods. We introduce an algorithm, based on interpolation techniques, that is robust and efficient, that treats the "near barrier" problem for double barrier options and permits the valuation of step double barrier options with American features. We provide a complete convergence analysis of the proposed lattice algorithm in the European case.

  • articleNo Access


    Let formula be a Lebesgue space and T: Ω→Ω an ergodic measure-preserving automorphism with positive entropy. We show that there is a bounded and strictly stationary martingale difference sequence defined on Ω with a common nondegenerate lattice distribution satisfying the central limit theorem with an arbitrarily slow rate of convergence and not satisfying the local limit theorem. A similar result is established for martingale difference sequences with densities provided the entropy is infinite. In addition, the martingale difference sequence may be chosen to be strongly mixing.

  • articleNo Access


    We consider an infinite-dimensional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process on the spatial domain ]0,1[d driven by an additive nuclear or space–time white noise, and we study the approximation of this process at a fixed point in time. We determine the order of the minimal errors as well as asymptotically optimal algorithms, both of which depend on the spatial dimension d and on the decay of the eigenvalues of the driving Wiener process W in the case of nuclear noise. In particular, the optimal order is achieved by employing drift-implicit Euler schemes with non-uniform time discretizations, while uniform time discretizations turn out to be suboptimal in general. By means of non-asymptotic error bounds and by simulation experiments, we show that the asymptotic results are predictive for the actual errors already for time discretizations with a small number of points.

  • articleNo Access


    We consider a stochastic boundary value elliptic problem on a bounded domain D ⊂ ℝk, driven by a fractional Brownian field with Hurst parameter H = (H1,…,Hk) ∈ [½, 1[k. First, we define the stochastic convolution derived from the Green kernel and prove some properties. Using monotonicity methods, we prove the existence and uniqueness of solution along with regularity of the sample paths. Finally, we propose a sequence of lattice approximations and prove its convergence to the solution of the SPDE at a given rate.

  • articleNo Access

    L2-regularity result for solutions of backward doubly stochastic differential equations

    We prove an L2-regularity result for the solutions of Forward Backward doubly stochastic differential equations (F-BDSDEs) under globally Lipschitz continuous assumptions on the coefficients. As an application of our result, we derive the rate of convergence in time for the (Euler time discretization-based) numerical scheme for F-BDSDEs proposed by Bachouch et al. (2016) under only globally Lipschitz continuous assumptions.

  • articleNo Access


    A new class of sequences convergent to Euler's constant is investigated. Special choices of parameters show that the class includes the original sequence defined by Euler, as well as more recently defined sequences due to DeTemple [1] and Vernescu [9]. It is shown how the rate of convergence of the sequences can be improved by computing optimal values of the parameters.

  • articleNo Access

    Learning rates for the risk of kernel-based quantile regression estimators in additive models

    Additive models play an important role in semiparametric statistics. This paper gives learning rates for regularized kernel-based methods for additive models. These learning rates compare favorably in particular in high dimensions to recent results on optimal learning rates for purely nonparametric regularized kernel-based quantile regression using the Gaussian radial basis function kernel, provided the assumption of an additive model is valid. Additionally, a concrete example is presented to show that a Gaussian function depending only on one variable lies in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space generated by an additive Gaussian kernel, but does not belong to the reproducing kernel Hilbert space generated by the multivariate Gaussian kernel of the same variance.

  • articleNo Access

    From Boltzmann to incompressible Navier–Stokes in Sobolev spaces with polynomial weight

    We study the Boltzmann equation on the d-dimensional torus in a perturbative setting around a global equilibrium under the Navier–Stokes linearization. We use a recent functional analysis breakthrough to prove that the linear part of the equation generates a C0-semigroup with exponential decay in Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces with polynomial weight, independently of the Knudsen number. Finally, we prove well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for the nonlinear Boltzmann equation in perturbative setting and an exponential decay for the perturbed Boltzmann equation, uniformly in the Knudsen number, in Sobolev spaces with polynomial weight. The polynomial weight is almost optimal. Furthermore, this result only requires derivatives in the space variable and allows to connect solutions to the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations in these spaces.

  • articleNo Access

    Optimal rate for prediction when predictor and response are functions

    In functional data analysis, linear prediction problems have been widely studied based on the functional linear regression model. However, restrictive condition is needed to ensure the existence of the coefficient function. In this paper, a general linear prediction model is considered on the framework of reproducing kernel Hilbert space, which includes both the functional linear regression model and the point impact model. We show that from the point view of prediction, this general model works as well even the coefficient function does not exist. Moreover, under mild conditions, the minimax optimal rate of convergence is established for the prediction under the integrated mean squared prediction error. In particular, the rate reduces to the existing result when the coefficient function exists.

  • articleNo Access

    Robust wavelet-based estimation for varying coefficient dynamic models under long-dependent structures

    This paper considers a class of robust estimation problems for varying coefficient dynamic models via wavelet techniques, which can adapt to local features of the underlying functions and has less restriction to the smoothness of the functions. The convergence rates and asymptotic distributions of the robust wavelet-based estimator are established when the design variables are stationary short-range dependent (SRD) and the errors are long-range dependent (LRD). Particularly, a rate of convergence (nlogn)1/3 in terms of estimation consistency can be achievable when the true components satisfy certain smoothness for a LRD process. Furthermore, an asymptotic property of the proposed estimator is given to indicate the confidence level of our proposed method for varying coefficient models with LRD.

  • articleNo Access


    Let q > 0, α ≥ 0, f ∈ C[0, 1], and formula be the q-Bernstein–Stancu polynomials. In the case α = 0, formula reduces to the well-known q-Bernstein polynomials introduced by Phillips in 1997. In this paper, we study the rate of convergence of the sequence formula. Both a theorem on convergence and a Voronovskaya-type theorem on the rate of convergence are proved.

  • articleNo Access


    A finite element collocation approach, based on cubic B-splines, is manipulated for obtaining numerical solutions of a generalized form of the Emden–Fowler type equations. The rate of convergence is discussed theoretically and verified numerically to be of fourth-order by using the double-mesh principle. The efficiency of the scheme is tested on a number of examples which represent special cases of the problem under consideration. The results are compared with analytical and other numerical solutions that are available in the literature. The proposed method reveals that the outcomes are reliable and very accurate when contrasted with other existing methods.

  • articleNo Access

    Adaptive IQ and IMQ-RBFs for Solving Initial Value Problems: Adams–Bashforth and Adams–Moulton Methods

    In this paper, our objective is primarily to use adaptive inverse-quadratic (IQ) and inverse-multi-quadratic (IMQ) radial basis function (RBF) interpolation techniques to develop third and fourth-order methods such as Adams–Bashforth (AB) and Adams–Moulton (AM) methods. By utilizing a free parameter involved in the RBF, the local convergence of the numerical solution is enhanced by making the local truncation error vanish. Consistency and stability analysis is presented along with some numerical results to back up our assertions. The accuracy and rate of convergence of each proposed technique are equal to or better than the original AB and AM methods by eliminating the local truncation error thus in that sense, the proposed adaptive methods are optimal. We conclude that both IQ and IMQ-RBF methods yield an improved order of convergence than classical methods, while the superiority of one method depends on the method and the problem considered.

  • articleNo Access

    A multilevel Monte Carlo finite difference method for random scalar degenerate convection–diffusion equations

    This paper proposes a finite difference multilevel Monte Carlo algorithm for degenerate parabolic convection–diffusion equations where the convective and diffusive fluxes are allowed to be random. We establish a notion of stochastic entropy solutions to these equations. Our chief goal is to efficiently compute approximations to statistical moments of these stochastic entropy solutions. To this end, we design a multilevel Monte Carlo method based on a finite volume scheme for each sample. We present a novel convergence rate analysis of the combined multilevel Monte Carlo finite volume method, allowing in particular for low p-integrability of the random solution with 1<p2, and low deterministic convergence rates (here, the theoretical rate is 1/3). We analyze the design and error versus work of the multilevel estimators. We obtain that the maximal rate (based on optimizing possibly the pessimistic upper bounds on the discretization error) is obtained for p=2, for finite volume convergence rate of 1/3. We conclude with numerical experiments.

  • articleNo Access

    Stability analysis of a discrete biological model

    In this paper, we investigate the equilibrium point, local and global behavior of the unique positive equilibrium point, and rate of convergence of positive solutions of following discrete biological model:

    where parameters α,γ,δ and the initial conditions X0,Y0 are positive real numbers. Some numerical examples are given to verify theoretical results.

  • articleNo Access

    Bézier variant of Bernstein–Durrmeyer blending-type operators

    In this paper, we construct the Bézier variant of the Bernstein–Durrmeyer-type operators. First, we estimated the moments for these operators. In the next section, we found the rate of approximation of operators ˘R(ρ,α)n,r,s(f;x) using the Lipschitz-type function and in terms of Ditzian–Totik modulus of continuity. The rate of convergence for functions having derivatives of bounded variation is discussed. Finally, the graphical representation of the theoretical results and the effectiveness of the defined operators are given.