With the present technology the only reliable signature able to point out, in a model independent way, the presence of Dark Matter (DM) particles in the galactic halo and sensitive to wide ranges both of DM candidates and of interaction types, is the DM annual modulation signature. This investigation is explored with suitable features by DAMA experiments. In particular, the first DAMA/LIBRA results confirm the evidence for the presence of DM particles in the galactic halo, as pointed out by the former DAMA/NaI set-up; cumulatively the data support such evidence at 8.2 σ C.L. and satisfy all the many peculiarities of the DM annual modulation signature. No systematics or side reactions able to account for the measured modulation amplitude and to contemporaneously satisfy all the requirements of the signature have been found or suggested by anyone over more than a decade. Moreover, no other experiment exists, whose result can be directly compared in a model-independent way with those of the DAMA experiments. Future perspectives are briefly addressed.