All manuscripts submitted for consideration for publication will be promptly reviewed and processed. For more information, see the JICEP webpage at
Journal Paper
Hahm, J and CA Yano (1992). The economic lot and delivery scheduling problem: The single item case. International Journal of Production Economics, 28, 235-251.
Normal book (authors)
Hadley, G (1970). Nonlinear and Dynamic Programming. Reading, Massachusetts: Addision-Wesley Publishing Co.
Book Chapter
Coleman, PC (1999). Identity management in later life. In Psychological Problems of Ageing: Assessment, Treatment and Care, RT Woods and TY Yeh (Eds.), pp. 49-52. NewYork: Wiley.
Books in a series
Loren, R, J Li and DB Benson (1999). Deterministic flow-chart interpretations. In Introduction to String Field Theory, Advanced Series in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 3, pp. 401-413. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Stevenson, N, M Mesbah and B Boashash (2005). A sampling limit for the empirical mode decomposition. In Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Entity-Relationship Approach, CG Davis and RTYeh (Eds.), pp. 421-439. Amsterdam: North-Holland.
Mehta, K (1995). The dynamics of adjustment of the very old in Singapore. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Department of Social Work and Psycology, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
To be published
Hahm, J and CA Yano (1992). The economic lot and delivery scheduling problem: Thesingle item case (forthcoming).
Hahm, J and CA Yano (1992). The economic lot and delivery scheduling problem: Thesingle item case. To appear in International Journal of Production Economics.
Mathematical notations:
All equations should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Whenever possible, fractions should be expressed as x/y or x/(y+z) instead of