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Submission Guidelines

JICEP is a peer-reviewed journal. Submission of a paper to the journal is held to imply that it contains original unpublished work which is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Upon acceptance of an article, author(s) will be asked to transfer copyright of the article to the publisher and to submit the article online as either an MS Word or LaTeX file. Publication in JICEP will ensure the widest possible dissemination of research papers.

All manuscripts submitted for consideration for publication will be promptly reviewed and processed. For more information, see the JICEP webpage at

  1. Submission:
    The preferred manuscript submission would be online via Submission of a paper to JICEP is held to imply that it contains original unpublished work which is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

  2. Manuscript:
    Manuscripts must be typed with double spacing on one side of A4 size paper. The length of the entire manuscript should not exceed 40 pages. The first page of the manuscript should contain the following information: (i) the title; (ii) the name(s) and institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s); (iii) an abstract of not more than 100 words. A footnote on the same sheet should give the name, address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author [as well as an e-mail address]. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively in the text. The first page of the manuscript should also contain at least one classification code according to the Classification System for Journal Articles as used by the Journal of Economic Literature; in addition, up to five key words should be supplied.

  3. Sections:
    Section headings should be numbered in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) while sub-section headings should follow the double numeration system (1.1, 1.2, etc.). All headings are to be left-aligned and in bold.

  4. Illustrations:
    Figures and tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals, accompanied by titles, and supplied on separate sheets at the end of the manuscript. Figures must be of professional quality and be ready for reproduction.

  5. References:

    Journal Paper
    Hahm, J and CA Yano (1992). The economic lot and delivery scheduling problem: The single item case. International Journal of Production Economics, 28, 235-251.

    Normal book (authors)
    Hadley, G (1970). Nonlinear and Dynamic Programming. Reading, Massachusetts: Addision-Wesley Publishing Co.

    Book Chapter
    Coleman, PC (1999). Identity management in later life. In Psychological Problems of Ageing: Assessment, Treatment and Care, RT Woods and TY Yeh (Eds.), pp. 49-52. NewYork: Wiley.

    Books in a series
    Loren, R, J Li and DB Benson (1999). Deterministic flow-chart interpretations. In Introduction to String Field Theory, Advanced Series in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 3, pp. 401-413. New York: Springer-Verlag.

    Stevenson, N, M Mesbah and B Boashash (2005). A sampling limit for the empirical mode decomposition. In Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Entity-Relationship Approach, CG Davis and RTYeh (Eds.), pp. 421-439. Amsterdam: North-Holland.

    Mehta, K (1995). The dynamics of adjustment of the very old in Singapore. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Department of Social Work and Psycology, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

    To be published
    Hahm, J and CA Yano (1992). The economic lot and delivery scheduling problem: Thesingle item case (forthcoming).

    Hahm, J and CA Yano (1992). The economic lot and delivery scheduling problem: Thesingle item case. To appear in International Journal of Production Economics.

    Mathematical notations:
    All equations should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Whenever possible, fractions should be expressed as x/y or x/(y+z) instead of

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