The poly (acrylic acid) grafted onto salep was used as an efficient multidentate biopolymer ligand for enhancing fluorescence intensity of CdSe QDs.
Layer by layer structures of PbS quantum dots are fabricated by two methods: chemical bond anchoring and electrostatic adsorption. The abnormal behaviors for the electrostatic adsorption prepared samples are investigated. To clarify the electronic coupling between the QDs and the polyelectrolytes, QDs directly stabilized by charged polyelectrolytes were synthesized. Transmission electron microscopy investigation shows that cross-linked QD networks are formed. The emission of cross-linked PbS QDs involves fast charge separation in type-II band aligned QD networks. The abnormal behaviors of electrostatic adsorption sample are discussed based on these results.
The coumarin 6-loaded nanoparticles (green) are closely around the nuclei (blue), which confirms the uptake of nanoparticles by the cells, some can even enter into the nucleus (color online). The DDAB-modified TPGS-b-(PCL-ran-PGA) nanoparticles have significant higher level of the cell uptake than that of DDAB-modified PCL nanoparticles and unmodified TPGS-b-(PCL-ran-PGA) nanoparticles. In vitro cell viability studies showed advantages of the DDAB-modified TPGS-b-(PCL-ran-PGA) nanoparticles over Taxotere® in terms of cytotoxicity against A549 cells. Oral chemotherapy by DDAB-modified TPGS-b-(PCL-ran-PGA) nanoparticle formulation may provide a promising outcome for lung cancer patients.
Molten salts/coprecipitation method was employed to prepare 3 mol.% yttria-fullystabilized zirconia (3Y-FSZ) nanopowders. Disagglomerate 3Y-FSZ nanopowders whose diameters ranging from 7 to 10 nm were obtained at 500°C. The synthesis procedure involved neither mechanical mixing nor repeated grinding. The amorphous zirconia precursors preferentially convert to cubic phase in the presence of molten salts.
We show how optical extinction and Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) measurements combined to Mie calculations allow to evidence the presence and the identification of organic shells around silver nanoparticles.
Reduced graphene oxide (RGO) with a thickness of 1.7 nm has been prepared by indole as a previously unreported reducing agent without employing any external stabilizing reagents. The obtained RGO can be individually dispersed in organic solvents and the conductivity of RGO is 21.2 S/m. Characterization of RGO by XRD, UV-vis spectra, Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy indicate that most oxygen-containing functional groups are removed and the C/O ratio is 7.4 after reduction by indole. Moreover, this approach has been proven to be an effective method for the preparation of dispersed RGO.
Polystyrene-coated MCM-41 nanoparticles were synthesized by ATRP. Effect of surface modification on the kinetics of ATRP was also investigated.
In this work, we discuss the effect of Built-In Field on nonlinear optical absorption coefficient and nonlinear optical refractive index changes of strained spherical quantum dot in the presence of an external electric field under the framework of effective-mass approximation. Also, the dependence of In composition, the Al composition and the inner sphere radius on nonlinear optical properties of spherical quantum dot was investigated. The results show that the nonlinear optical properties of quantum dot are greatly influenced by these factors.
Polypyrrole/MnO2/graphite felt (PYMG) composite which can be used as a novel free-standing electrode for supercapacitors was successfully fabricated via electrodeposition. The PYMG composite exhibits excellent electrochemical performance, indicating that the porous graphite felt (GF) is a good conductive matrix for the dispersion of PPy/MnO2 composite and it can facilitate easy access of electrolytes to the electrode, which results in enhancement of the capacitive performance of the composite. Moreover, the PYMG composite displays enhanced specific capacitance compared to MnO2/GF and PPy/GF, which may be ascribed to the synergistic effect of PPy and MnO2. All the results imply that PYMG electrode can serve as a promising electrode for supercapacitors.
The formation and ionization of native defects in Co-doped ZnO NW are analyzed. It is found that Co impurities in surface sites have lower formation energy than those in bulk environment. FM and AFM coupling between Co atoms are investigated. It is found that the magnetic properties of Co-doped NW can be mediated by the defects. The FM and AFM stability is explained by the interaction of Co 3d energy level.
Three acids (including DBSA, CSA and TSA) doped BaFe12O19–Ni0.8Zn0.2Fe2O4/PPy composite films were prepared by sol–gel method and in situoxidative polymerization. The measurements of XRD, FTIR and FESEM indicate the formation of BaFe12O19–Ni0.8Zn0.2Fe2O4/PPy composite films. The acid-doped can improve the conductivities of the composite films. However, it does not have much influence on the magnetic properties of BaFe12O19–Ni0.8Zn0.2Fe2O4/PPy composite film. Electromagnetic performance shows that a minimum reflection loss of the DBSA-doped composite film is -17.6 dB at 9.3 GHz with the thickness at 3.0 mm.
This study aims at presenting pyromilling synthesis as a new method for production of titanium carbide in nanometer scales. This method is based on simultaneous application of milling and heating processes. Titanium and carbon powder were milled in different times and temperatures. The results obtained from X-ray patterns showed that an increase in temperature entails a reduction in milling time for synthesizing titanium carbides. Moreover, it is proved that the size of synthesized carbide titanium crystals were in nanometer scale which were decreased by an increase in the milling time and a decrease in the temperature.