Quantum electrodynamics is an essential building block and an integral part of the gauge theory of unified electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions, the so-called standard model. Its failure or breakdown at some level would have a most profound impact on the theoretical foundations of elementary particle physics as a whole. Thus the validity of QED has been the subject of intense experimental tests over more than 40 years of its history. This volume presents an up-to-date review of high precision experimental tests of QED together with comprehensive discussion of required theoretical work.
- High Precision Tests of QED — An Overview (T Kinoshita & D Yennie)
- Construction of Four-Dimensional Quantum Field Models: Ø44 and QED4 (K Ito)
- Critical Review of the Theory of QED (N Nakanishi)
- QED for Nonrelativistic Systems and High Precision Determination of a (T Kinoshita & G Lepage)
- Test of QED by High Energy Electron-positron Collisions (U Martyn)
- Analytic Evaluation of Sixth-order Contributions to the Electron's g Factor (E Remiddi, R Roskies & M Levine)
- Theory of the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Electron-Numerical Approach (T Kinoshita)
- Anomalous Magnetic Moment of Single Electrons and Positrons: Experiment (R Van Dyck, Jr.)
- Cavity Shifts of Measured Electron Magnetic Moments (G Gabrielse, J Tan & L Brown)
- Theory of the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment (T Kinoshita & W Marciano)
- The Muon g — 2 Experiments (F Farley & E Picasso)
- Theory of Hydrogenic Bound States (J Sapirstein & D Yennie)
- Atomic Hydrogen Hyperfine Structure Experiments (N Ramsey)
- Lamb Shift Experiments (F Pipkin)
- Precision Measurements in Positronium (S Chu & A Mills, Jr)
- Muonium (V Hughes & G ZuPutlitz)
- Helium Fine Structure (F Pichanick & V Hughes)
- Appendix: Historical Review and Bibliography of QED (K Yokoyama & R Kubo)
Readership: Atomic and particle physicists.
“The Kinoshita volume provides a detailed account of the main theoretical and experimental advances in testing quantum electrodynamics during the last two decades … This new collection, beautifully edited and annotated by Kinoshita … a comprehensive technical and historical reference for the field.”
Stanley J Brodsky
Physics Today, 1992