This survey reviews research on the economics of small business, introducing key concepts for the understanding of the research, including some basic microeconomics, distribution functions, and concepts of entrepreneurship. Accessible to readers with elementary knowledge of economics and probability, the book is suitable as a text for an undergraduate course in the economics of small business. It also covers the economics of organization, the role of the family in small business, human capital and nonpecuniary motivation, together with the relationship of small business to entrepreneurship and growth. Public policy toward small business is discussed with an emphasis on the United States, together with comparisons and contrasts of many other countries.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction
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- Introduction
- Small and Medium Businesses: A Diverse Population
- Microeconomics and Small Business
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business
- Small Business, Growth and Employment
- Small Business as Family Business
- The Life Cycle of Small Business, Part 1: "Spawning"
- Small Business and Liquidity Constraint
- The Life Cycle of Small Business, Part 2: Succession
- Franchising
- The Controversy Over "Gibrat's Law"
- Small Business and Happiness
- Small Business, Women and People of Color
- Economic Policy for Small Business
Readership: Students and lecturers of undergraduate courses in the economics of small business, academics in business fields, readers with elementary knowledge of economics and probability.
Dr Roger A McCain, a native of Louisiana, had his education at Louisiana State University and has been a university faculty member, specializing in economics and game theory, since 1967. He is Professor in the School of Economics, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, where he has been since 1988. McCain is the author of seven books, including textbooks in Game Theory and Microeconomic Theory, and research monographs on cognitive economics, computational models of economic growth, and applied game theory. He has also written more than 100 scholarly papers and addresses and is guilty of two published short stories.