This book on modelling the electrical activity of the heart is an attempt to describe continuum based modelling of cardiac electrical activity from the cell level to the body surface (the forward problem), and back again (the inverse problem). Background anatomy and physiology is covered briefly to provide a suitable context for understanding the detailed modelling that is presented herein. The questions of what is mathematical modelling and why one would want to use mathematical modelling are addressed to give some perspective to the philosophy behind our approach. Our view of mathematical modelling is broad — it is not simply about obtaining a solution to a set of mathematical equations, but includes some material on aspects such as experimental and clinical validation.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction (3,075 KB)
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- Geometric Modelling
- Cell Modelling
- Tissue Modelling
- Whole-Heart Modelling
- Organ in the Body — The Forward Problem of Electrocardiology
- The Inverse Problem of Electrocardiology
- Modelling Other Cardiac Processes
Readership: Final year undergraduate bioengineering, physiology and applied mathematics students and academics who are interested in the area of cardiac electrophysiology.
“The various numerical methods used are presented and discussed without being too detailed and the authors give throughout the book a good historical overview. The book is mainly for graduate students in the field of the electrical activity of the heart but it is worth reading for many other topics as well.”
Mathematical Reviews
“For the first time, the entire scope of continuum-based modelling in electrocardiology has been brought together in one book. Incorporating the inverse problem within this context appears to be unique. The level of presentation is appropriate for graduate students in applied mathematics, computer science, or bioengineering.”
Zentralblatt MATH