The intent of the book is to provide readers with a summary of the obesity problem with specific focus on the metabolic health issues (ie, diabetes mellitus), obstructive sleep apnea, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and the psychological effects of obesity. This will provide readers with an understanding of the commonly performed operations for obesity along with evidence-based outcomes, nutritional issues, and metabolic consequences.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Obesity-Related Health Issues (188 KB)
- Obesity-Related Health Issues (Rajasree Nambron and Daniel K Short)
- History of Bariatric Surgery (Joshua D Pfeiffer and Shanu N Kothari)
- Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: Indications, Procedures and Outcomes (Umer I Chaudhry and Dean J Mikami)
- Biliopancreatic Divesion and Duodenal Switch: Indications, Procedures and Outcomes (Patrick Fei and Fernando Bonanni)
- Sleeve Gastrectomy: Indications, Procedures and Outcomes (Yalini Vigneswaran and Michael B Ujiki)
- Comparative Outcomes in Bariatric Surgery (Christopher R Daigle and Stacy A Brethauer)
- Complications of Bariatric Surgery and Management (Bill Ran Luo and Alex Nagle)
- Innovations in Bariatrics Surgery (George Pontikis, Pornthep Prathanvanich and Bipan Chand)
- Nutrition After Bariatric Surgery (Karen Buzby and Danielle Rosenfeld Staub)
- Metabolic Impact of Bariatric Surgery (Aileen A Murphy and Kevin M Reavis)
Readership: Surgeons performing obesity surgery, dietitians, endocrinologists, diabetologists, nutritional scientists, and those dealing with eating disorders.