Plasma Polymer Films examines the current status of the deposition and characterization of fluorocarbon-, hydrocarbon- and silicon-containing plasma polymer films and nanocomposites, with plasma polymer matrix. It introduces plasma polymerization process diagnostics such as optical emission spectroscopy (OES, AOES), and describes special deposition techniques such as atmospheric pressure glow discharge. Important issues for applications such as degradation and stability are treated in detail, and structural characterization, basic electrical and optical properties and biomedical applications are discussed.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction (581 KB)
- Plasma Deposition of Fluoropolymer Films in Different Glow Discharge Regimes (P Favia)
- Deposition of Silicon Containing Films and FTIR Diagnostics (Y Segui & P Raynaud)
- Corpuscular Diagnostics of Plasma Polymerization Process (M Zeuner)
- Electrical and Optical Properties of Plasma Polymers (J Tyczkowski)
- Pulsed Plasma Polymerizations (R B Timmons & A J Griggs)
- Degradation and Stability of Plasma Polymers (A Holländer & J Thome)
- Application of Atmospheric Pressure Discharge for Plasma Polymer Processes (M Kogoma)
- Hard Plasma Polymers, Composites and Plasma Polymer Films Prepared by RF Sputtering of Conventional Polymers (H Biederman et al.)
- Biomedical Applications of Plasma-Deposited Thin Films (K J Kitching et al.)
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in plasma, polymer and surface chemistry.