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Submission Fee

A one-time, non-refundable Submission Fee of USD 75 for each manuscript is payable upon submission to the Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers online submission system at Editorial Manager®

The Fee helps cover part of the administrative and system costs involved in peer review. Please note that payment of the Fee does not guarantee acceptance of the manuscript.

All submitted manuscripts are checked for language, plagiarism, and format before they are sent for peer review. Manuscripts that do not pass the initial checks will be promptly rejected without peer review. Manuscripts may also be rejected without peer review if the subject matter is outside of the journal's scope and unsuitable for our readership. There are no refunds on the Fee even for such manuscripts.

Mode of payment

Payment can be made with a credit/debit card at the time of article submission.

Waiver of the Submission Fee applies only to

  • Members of the Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers editorial board
  • Authors whose articles are specially invited by the Managing Editors
  • If author is affiliated to the institution/university which already has subscription to the journal. The authors who do not belong to such universities/ institution can proceed with the payments. If you would like to recommend your institution librarian to subscribe to JCSC, please contact
Note: For authors, whose waiver requests are eventually rejected, please make payment within fourteen (14) days from the date of waiver decision before the papers are removed from the submission system.

We do not give any discounts on the Submission Fee.

Refund policy
No refunds are given for the Submission Fee except in very rare circumstances. The Submission Fee is an administrative fee that helps the journal cover part of the peer review costs. Rejection of manuscript is not a basis for refund.

After payment
When the Submission Fee has been successfully processed and the submission meets the initial screening, an Editorial Manager manuscript number will be emailed to the authors, who will be able to track the status of their manuscript online using this number.