Near-monodisperse globular MoS2 nanoparticles were prepared using sulfur powders as the sulfur source without surfactants and transfer agents at 170–190∘∘C. The average size of MoS2 could be reduced dramatically from 100–200 to 50 nm by introducing minimal MnCl2. A four-step growth mechanism based on the aggregation-coalescence model was proposed.
Polydopamine resin nanospheres have been synthesized to develop a novel sandwich-type immunoassay for the detection of carcinoembryonic antigen developed using electrochemical and surface enhanced Raman scattering techniques. The sandwich structure is composed of the anti-CEA/NBA/AuNPs/PDR, CEA and anti-CEA/CHIT/AuNPs/GCE.
Nitrogen-doped three-dimensional (3D) porous carbon frameworks (NCFs) derived from zero-dimensional carbon quantum dots (CQDs) have been prepared by a simple one-step self-assembly technique. The resultant NCF-800 possesses unique 3D porous framework architecture, large specific surface area (171cm2 g−1) and abundant defect sites, which can be worked as a prospective metal-free ORR catalyst for fuel cells.
The slopes of the torque curves during linear-elastic deformation period increase with decreasing cooling rate, indicating a larger mechanical strength. The snapshots show the deformed ZrNi nanowires at a torsional angle of 360∘ for various cooling rates. The amount of spiral deformation increases with faster cooling rate, indicating higher ductility.
The in-situ synthesis of superconductor–topological insulator (TI) heterostructures has been challenging. Here, for the first time, a study of the growth of the s-wave superconductor Sn on the TI Bi2Te3 by physical vapor transport was presented. Three different growth scenarios were observed: (1) Sn-decorated Bi2Te3, (2) local Sn-rich areas on Bi2Te3 plates, and (3) Sn-doped Bi2Te3. The different growth regimes are controlled by the Sn precursor quantity, carrier gas flux, and growth time. Each type has its specific application potentials.
The MOS sensor was fabricated on <400> n-type silicon (0.22 Ωcm). On the SiO2 film, a 100 nm layer of Pd nanoparticles has been deposited. Using Pd chloride, pectin, gelatin and distilled water, the Pd nanoparticles are synthesized. The average size of Pd nanoparticles is 10 nm. The Au film as an ohmic contact to the backside of the substrate was made by evaporating and then, wires were connected to the metal gate and Au layer.
It is obvious that the current–voltage (I–V) curves were symmetric and nonlinear. With the increase in Vo concentration, the model has smaller current at low voltage and more obvious rectification. The current at a particular Vo concentration increases abruptly, and the effect of Vo on the NL is dominant. This indicates that the oxygen vacancy-assisted phase transition is very strong. The NL of the material can be improved by artificially producing Vo defects.
Hollow dandelion-like bundles HAP containing Ca-monodehydroabietyl phosphate organic metal compounds and nanoparticles HAP with a diameter of 50nm were obtained at pH=3 and 12, respectively. Natural rosin-based surfactant dehydroabietyl phosphate diester (DDPD) was used as phosphorus source, crystal growth control agent, and template simultaneously.
During plasma etching for fin patterning in the 3D FinFET structure, the degree of the damaged layer is strongly dependent on the energy of the ions bombarding the Si substrate. In this study, Si soft treatment with very low ion energy was introduced to remove the damage. Si soft treatment is very effective in removing the damage on a highly-damaged silicon surface. However, the Si soft treatment itself increased the number of defects for a low-damaged silicon surface.
The novel Cu2O/e-HTi2NbO7 nanocomposite was assembled through a facile exfoliation-restacking route. The photocatalytic performance was evaluated by photocatalytic oxidation of ethyl mercaptan (EM) and photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue (MB) dyes under sunlight irradiation. The results reveal that the Cu2O/e-HTi2NbO7 nanocomposite exhibits enhanced photocatalytic activity than the Cu2O nanoparticles and HTi2NbO7 nanosheets due to the synergistic effect between the host and the guest materials.
Metal-free C3N3S3 and its polymers were one-step synthesized and used for selective aerobic oxidation of benzyl alcohol under visible light. Two main factors, solubility and polymerization degree, were studied to provide the basic data and novel idea for photocatalyzed synthesis.
Liquid-phase exfoliation was used for graphene and the D-band/G-band ratio of liquid-phase exfoliated graphene was only 0.094, which indicated the graphene had low defects density and enhanced electrical conductivity. A facile one-pot method was used for Co3O4/graphene composite. The facile one-pot method associated with liquid-phase exfoliated graphene induced Co3O4/graphene composite with enhanced specific capacitance of 392 F⋅g−1 at a current density of 1A⋅g−1.
A novel coprinus comatus-based nitrogen-doped porous carbon (N-ACC) is prepared using zinc chloride as chemical activation agent and urea as another nitrogen source. The N-ACC possesses high specific surface area (976.96m2 g–1) and large specific capacitance (346F g–1). The assembled N-ACC//N-ACC symmetric supercapacitor exhibits high energy density and excellent cycling stability.