To overcome the diffraction constraints of traditional optical lithography, the next generation lithographies (NGLs) will utilize any one or more of EUV (extreme ultraviolet), X-ray, electron or ion beam technologies to produce sub-100 nm features. Perhaps the most under-developed and under-rated is the utilization of ions for lithographic purposes. All three ion beam techniques, FIB (Focused Ion Beam), Proton Beam Writing (p-beam writing) and Ion Projection Lithography (IPL) have now breached the technologically difficult 100 nm barrier, and are now capable of fabricating structures at the nanoscale. FIB, p-beam writing and IPL have the flexibility and potential to become leading contenders as NGLs.
The three ion beam techniques have widely different attributes, and as such have their own strengths, niche areas and application areas. The physical principles underlying ion beam interactions with materials are described, together with a comparison with other lithographic techniques (electron beam writing and EUV/X-ray lithography). IPL follows the traditional lines of lithography, utilizing large area masks through which a pattern is replicated in resist material which can be used to modify the near-surface properties. In IPL, the complete absence of diffraction effects coupled with ability to tailor the depth of ion penetration to suit the resist thickness or the depth of modification are prime characteristics of this technique, as is the ability to pattern a large area in a single brief irradiation exposure without any wet processing steps. p-beam writing and FIB are direct write (maskless) processes, which for a long time have been considered too slow for mass production. However, these two techniques may have some distinct advantages when used in combination with nanoimprinting and pattern transfer. FIB can produce master stamps in any material, and p-beam writing is ideal for producing three-dimensional high-aspect ratio metallic stamps of precise geometry. The transfer of large scale patterns using nanoimprinting represents a technique of high potential for the mass production of a new generation of high area, high density, low dimensional structures. Finally a cross section of applications are chosen to demonstrate the potential of these new generation ion beam nanolithographies.