Nanobiotechnology lies at the interface of two fundamental research fields: nano- and biotechnologies. It exploits nanotechnology and biotechnology to analyze and create nanobiosystems to meet a wide variety of challenges and develops a wide range of applications.
PLLA and PLLA/MWCNT scaffolds were synthesized by the freeze-extraction method, which combines freezing and solvent extraction. This work demonstrated the utility of the statistical design for optimizing the mechanical strength properties of the PLLA and PLLA/MWCNT scaffolds.
A unique growth of nanofibrous structures and nanospheres of titanium using femtosecond laser in air and without the need for any type of catalyst has been reported. The femtosecond laser was used to generate nanoparts on a titanium substrate. The irradiated substrate is assumed to be subjected to plane stress type of temperature variation and a new method combining finite difference and Runge–Kutta 4 transient thermal model has been developed to calculate the temperature distribution on the top surface of the substrate during laser ablation. A Matlab code has been developed and validated with the known results from the literature. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX), X-ray diffractograms (XRD) and micro-Raman analysis were conducted to characterize the microstructure.
This paper reports the positive effects of mechanical activation and ammonium chloride on the nanostructure forsterite formation rate. Mechanical activation increases the contact surface area of reacting phases as a consequence of intense reduction of particles size. Besides, chlorine ion affects the mechanism of forsterite formation through producing smaller particle size during subsequent annealing. In the presence of chlorine ion, the single-phase nanostructure forsterite powder with crystallite size of about 20 nm could be obtained by 5 h mechanical activation with subsequent annealing at 1000°C just for 2 min.
The nanopigments TiCe1-xPrxO4-δ synthesized by the solution combustion method exhibit yellow to brick red color with increase of praseodymium content (15–20 nm). The diffuse reflectance spectra of pigments show a maximum reflectance of 95% (for x = 0.1) at 600 nm and above. These colorants were thermal and chemical resistant and may find potential alternative to the conventional toxic inorganic pigments.
Fe3O4/Au composite magnetic nanoparticles were modified with α-thio-ω-carboxy poly (ethylene glycol). Surface plasmon resonance measured by UV–Vis indicates that the absorption peak of the modified composite particle characteristic at 532 nm can be stably suspended in a different buffer. The modified composite particles also have good response to external magnetic field. The Fe3O4/Au composite nanoparticles are magnetically and optically active, and are useful for simultaneous magnetic and optical detection. Combined with the biomolecular on its surface, the advantages of these composite particles could make them very promising for biomedical applications in the near future.
Plan view TEM images of In0.5Ga0.5As quantum dots (QDs) grown on thin In0.1Ga0.9As underlying layer was shown. The lattice image of the In0.5Ga0.5As QDs and distribution of the dots can be clearly seen. As seen in the figure, the moiré fringes are observed not only along the [0 1 1] direction but in other directions as well. The different orientation of the moiré fringes is an important issue that has not fully understood.
Cylindrical InxGa1–xAs nanowires (NWs) perpendicular to the substrate have been successfully grown using MOCVD. Morphology of InxGa1–xAs NWs has been observed using Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Both FE-SEM and TEM results show that the NWs grown at low growth temperature and V/III ratio were via direct impinging mechanism. Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) results confirm that the cylindrical NWs grown via direct impinging mechanism and tends to have uniform chemical composition.
Nanocrystalline silicon carbide (SiC) films with 5–10 nm grain size, large Seebeck coefficient (‑0.393 mV/K), and low electrical resistivity (3.2 × 10‑4 Ohm-m) are prepared on oxidized silicon substrates by magnetron sputtering of SiC and Al targets. The slope of Seebeck coefficient versus logarithm of temperature is ‑0.999 mV/K, which is about eight times larger than the theoretical value of ‑0.129 mV/K for semiconductors.
The results of positron annihilation experiment to monitor the changes taking place as a result of doping by Mn of ZnO crystallites of nanometer dimensions and subseqent evolution of the crystalline and interfacial defects with increasing concentration of dopant are presented. The resultant positron lifetime could be separated as a distinct component and its variations under doping highlighted certain very specific features. Another significant observation is the reduction in sizes of the nanocrystalline particles with increased doping and is explained as an exercise to accommodate the Mn2+ ions at the crystallite surfaces in order to minimize the strain due to its slightly larger radius.