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Being! Five ways of leading authentically in an iConnected world is rooted in leadership practice across many sectors and its raison d'etre is to build adaptiveness and resilience in uncertain times. It is credentialed by leaders who have honed their personal effectiveness, grown spiritually and become more effective and impactful, because of their engagement with its content.
It channels wisdom at the intersection of many disciplines and multiple world views to provide deeper insight and meaning to the leadership dilemmas and choices that you constantly face. It integrates both western leadership-thinking with its more evidence-based, cognitive approaches, and eastern philosophy with its more "mystical" and spiritually-oriented homilies, into a rich tapestry that engages your attention, challenges your capabilities, and leaves you richer and more fulfilled for the effort.
Sample Chapter(s)
1: Virtuous and Purposeful Leadership
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"This book is a great read! It is a refreshing tour de force that eschews the usual business-book pabulum to underscore a simple but profound message: In a world where people are, for the most part, cognitively entrenched, a credible response to today's leadership challenges demands resilience and relentless learning of new ways of being."
"As its title suggests, this is a leadership book for our time. It is however, far from a 'quick fix' or superficial response to the challenge of change. Being! goes deep in helping us understand the complex dynamics surrounding us in our post-truth society."
"I am really impressed with Being! Five Ways of Leading Authentically in an iConnected World. The authors present sophisticated information in a clear and enjoyable way. The book balances brevity with nuance, and breadth with depth."
"I began reading this book on a flight back to Adelaide from Sydney. I was struck by the way it is written blending narrative and research. This is lovely because the 'humanity of leading' shines through. 'Being' is so core to the book’s message - being present enough to be able to sense, respond and learn from whatever is going on around us. This book’s essence is so in sync with my own experience and thinking – thank you so much for the pleasure of 'Being' – it’s really terrific!"
"If you are a leader in any capacity, then reading Being! Five Ways of Leading Authentically in an iConnected World is an absolute must. This book deeply explores concepts and practices of leadership relevant for anyone leading any organisation. Be!ng has provided an opportunity to reflect on, learn from and navigate this disruptive narrative we currently find ourselves in. It allows the reader to explore and understand leadership in all aspects of our lives but in a transformational way."
"This text should be on the desk of every aspiring or current leader desirous of developing their leadership philosophy, knowledge and understanding of leading in the world of today and tomorrow. Not a text to be read once and discarded — it should be close at hand so it can always be accessed and referred to. Each page is packed with deeply researched, and clearly explained gems. If you want one book to guide your leadership this is it!"
"It is during times of immense change and upheaval that the mettle of leaders is truly tested. 'Being!: Five Ways Of Leading Authentically In an IConnected World' draws from a plethora of solid research to offer profound insights into how leaders can proactively, and thoughtfully, drive real change in the 21st Century."
"'Be!ng — Five ways of leading authentically in a iConnected World' is an inspiring book for those leading or aspiring to lead in our rapidly changing world. The tensions that exist between leadership in current environments which often lack clarity and history to guide leaders’ work and leadership in more traditional models are explored. The importance of the ethical, reflective and thoughtful leader is woven throughout the work. 'Be!ng' is a significant and much needed addition to the literature on leadership."
Dr Vikram Murthy is the founding Director of the Academy for Collaborative Futures, (www.academy-collaborative-futures.org) an institution that promotes purposeful collaborative inquiry into anticipatory leadership practices amongst academe, practice and industry in Australia & New Zealand. The Academy's advisory board in New Zealand includes ANZ Bank, and Vodafone.
A senior leadership expert with over thirty years of global experience in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, UAE and Oman (where his companies were the first technology IPOs in the Muscat Stock Exchange), Dr Murthy has worked with organisations to underwrite their growth and profitability, and with people to catalyse their professional renewal and personal transformation. He has a Bachelor (Honours) in Electronics and Electrical Engineering, a Masters, and Doctorate in Management from the Waikato Management School, New Zealand, where he was also the inaugural recipient of their "Outstanding Doctoral Candidate Award."
His first book, "Please don't stop the music: An ensemble leadership repertoire for productive sustainability, and strategic innovation in uncertain times," was released in September 2009 and is the reference text for executive leadership programmes at universities in New Zealand. His emerging classification of zeitgeist leadership, the Ensemble Leadership Repertoire™ features in book chapters and academic publications many of which are featured on the Academy's web site.
Dr Murthy has always maintained a close and learning relationship with academe. He has held adjunct professorial positions in Massey University and AUT University and a Senior Fellowship in Waikato University New Zealand. He has also been a visiting professor to BITS University, India. He lectures on general management, business strategy, leadership, change, innovation, and entrepreneurship in Executive MBA, International MBA, Corporate Education, BBA and MBM programmes. He has also supervised research for MBA and MBM students.
He is on the International Advisory Board of the World Association for Sustainable Development (www.worldsustainable.org), and the Editorial Advisory Board of the International Journal of Development and Management. He is Chair of the Advisory Board of New Zealand Institute of Studies, a Trustee of the NPeW Education Trust and speaks regularly at conferences and gatherings across the Asia-Pacific region.
Aasha Murthy is presently the CEO of the Australian Council of Educational Leaders (ACEL). Her senior corporate roles have included amongst others: CEO of AFS Australia, Managing Director of Starbucks Coffee — Australia and New Zealand, Head of Operations Asia-Pacific of Weight Watchers, Director of Meal Solutions of the Woolworths Group NZ, and Marketing Director of Genetco and National Training Institute, in the lower Persian Gulf. She is also the Adjunct Principal Associate of the Academy for Collaborative Futures (ACF).
Aasha has a proven track record of delivering growth in revenue and bottom-line profitability for the organisations she has led. She builds strong brand equity by reinventing product portfolios, expanding into new markets, designing new delivery channels, and delivering operational excellence. She has stewarded the regional operations of many large multi-national organisations. This has given her an informed perspective on markets in the Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America regions across several industry sectors, and a keen and insightful understanding of the key drivers of success in the prevailing global context.
Aasha is a member of the Expert Reference Council of the Evidence for Learning Organisation (ELO), a think-tank for Social Ventures Australia. She is also an active Council Member on the GLG Research Management Platform. She has been the Executive in Residence for the Business School in Auckland University and visiting faculty at the Waikato Management School, Waikato University. She lectures on Leadership, Strategic Planning, Strategic Innovation, and Reaching Global Markets.
Aasha has a passion for leadership and developing early-career and mature professionals by providing them with exciting learning opportunities through both formal education and experiential learning. She delivers ACEL's suite of Executive Leadership programs aimed at high-performing school and system leaders. She regularly speaks at conferences and seminars across the Asia-Pacific on topics that include leveraging diversity, the challenges of female leadership and leading multi-cultural teams.
Sample Chapter(s)
1: Virtuous and Purposeful Leadership